9 Habits To Connect Emotionally With Someone

We all want to be that type of person who conquers the hearts of others with a simple smile who make friends with little effort and who receive a large amount of praise and praise daily.

However, this natural gift to connect with others is enjoyed by a privileged few who, for some reason, manage to have that special aura. The rest of us mortals may not have been born with that natural charisma, but With will and a little effort we can connect emotionally with anyone that we want to know.

Connect emotionally with others: how to achieve it?

Many scholars and ordinary people have tried to explain why some people are more likely to connect emotionally with others, thus being able to better choose their romantic partners and even their friends. What are the qualities that make it nice to be next to a person? In today’s article we are going to try to describe these virtues.

When we think about people who know how to relate successfully with other individuals, we usually notice that they are capable of influencing the thoughts and attitudes of those around them, they are capable of inspiring them and bringing out their best version. And although it may seem like a lie, All of these people share a set of values, beliefs and habits

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9 values, beliefs and habits that will help you connect with people

The way of life of people who know how to relate effectively has some things in common that can serve as a guide to begin to evolve and improve in this aspect.

Shall we start?

1. A smile always helps

When we are in a social context, the truth is that Few things say more in your favor than showing yourself relaxed and with a smile When we see someone smile authentically, it is very likely that we feel attracted to them, whether it is for friendship or to share an entertaining chat. Smiling at someone is also a great test of trust.

Besides, Smiles are contagious and make the people around you feel more comfortable If you want to strike up a spontaneous conversation with someone, it’s best to start with a good smile. Then you will decide where you want to take the interaction; if you just want a friendship or if you see that there may be something more.

2. Don’t be afraid to make friends

In the end, this is essential. If you want to connect emotionally with other people, You must be able to open up to others and form positive, healthy relationships When you are going to talk to someone, ask yourself the question: “How would I like someone I don’t know to treat me?”, and you will surely see very clearly that you must be respectful as well as genuine when you want to start a conversation with someone who, Maybe I can be your friend in the future.

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It is important that you know how to value friendship and be careful and attentive with your friends. Practice active listening with them, and try to lend a hand if possible.

3. See strangers as friends

If you enter a waiting room or the subway, try to look at the faces of strangers and conceive of them as friendly faces This will help you have an open and proactive mindset, and overcome your usual shyness or reluctance.

If you are in tune with the people around you, it will be much easier for you to connect emotionally with those who attract your attention the most.

4. Essential: be authentic

There is no point in putting on a mask to connect with someone, because sooner or later the mask will fall and you will be portrayed. You should try to genuinely connect with other people, from your true self That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to be more sociable and open-minded, obviously!

Being authentic will bring you closer to meeting people with whom you can truly connect, and build friendships or courtships based on sincerity.

5. Try to help

Don’t forget that The key to meeting people is to contribute something positive to their lives It doesn’t have to be something material, but something that can help them in one way or another. Normally, in our society we are very lacking in authentic friendships, in people in our lives who help us if we are going through a bad time or have some difficulty.

There are always ways to help others, and It is a good idea to be a person with this human quality Generosity is good in itself, but it also has a reward: it will be easier for you to connect with people who value your efforts.

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6. Take a genuine interest in others

The best way to be interesting is show interest and attention towards your interlocutor You surely have a lot to learn from other people. If you manage to open a window into their world, your interlocutors will see that you are a broad-minded person with whom it is worth talking and sharing time.

We all have stories that we want to share, and if someone listens to us… it is easier for us to connect emotionally with them.

7. Talk, don’t be shy

Be open and don’t hesitate to start conversations with people around you, and even with strangers. Having this attitude will allow you to improve your social skills and you will learn to connect with the passions and interests of others.

8. Know yourself and pursue your dreams

It is important that you know what your interests, your virtues and your goals in life are Because knowing yourself will allow you to guide yourself and know how you can connect and help other people. If you find someone who shares your hobbies, it is very likely that you will both be crazy to want to continue sharing time together.

9. Be yourself

Yes, it is very typical advice. But it is still a truth like a temple. Trying to be someone else to please others is a big mistake. Show yourself as you are, even if you have flaws or vulnerabilities Nobody is perfect, remind yourself of that often.

Try sharing your anecdotes and concerns, you will surely find people who will appreciate it.