The 7 Communication Styles Of A Narcissist

The 7 Communication Styles of a Narcissist

Do you have someone around you who demands a lot of attention, seeks admiration from people around them, and doesn’t seem to understand or care about the feelings of others? You may be dealing with a person with narcissistic personality disorder It is a mental illness characterized by an unreasonable air of superiority that causes problems in many areas of life such as interpersonal, romantic, family, and academic or work relationships.

It is a disorder that affects men more than women and its symptoms generally begin in adolescence. It should be noted that some children may manifest certain traits of narcissism but it may be part of the development process and does not mean that they have said disorder. The most common symptoms are that they overestimate their abilities and exaggerate their achievements, worry about being admired for their intelligence or overwhelming beauty, feel that they should associate only with others as special and talented as themselves, not with ordinary people, among many other things. .

In short, they are people who need to be admired constantly, therefore, their self-esteem depends a lot on the positive outlook of others and therefore, they tend to have a low and fragile self-esteem. They are sensitive individuals and are bothered by criticism from others since it makes them feel humiliated and defeated. The way you respond to criticism varies from person to person. That is, there are certain people who respond with anger or contempt, others who withdraw from the situation to protect their sense of greatness, and finally, others who simply avoid situations in which they may fail.

It is clear that dealing with a narcissistic person is not an easy task and of course, communication with this group of people is complicated and generates a lot of confusion. In fact, one way to detect that you are dealing with a person with narcissistic personality disorder is through their communication style. In today’s article, we will talk about the communication styles of a narcissistic person Stay to discover them.

Communication styles of a narcissist

Narcissistic personality disorder causes these people to see reality and other people in a distorted way. Therefore, it is not surprising that They tend to communicate differently than others Talking to a narcissistic person is more difficult since they are less direct when communicating with people. Therefore, learning to see the meaning and motivations behind narcissists’ messages is crucial.

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Below, we list a series of communication styles of this group of people that can help you realize if you match with someone who is by your side and you can even learn to handle these people in a more appropriate way. Of course, we want to clarify that each person is different and therefore, their communication style is also different. However, it surely fits into one of the following:

1. Makes ambiguous statements

As we mentioned, narcissists usually express themselves in an unclear, confusing and ambiguous way. They are people who like to be in control of the situation, therefore, when communicating ambiguously, they can always get their way by using phrases like: “I didn’t say that..”, “You must have misunderstood me…”, ” I think I didn’t know how to explain…”

2. Use others to validate you

Narcissistic people usually look for submissive and compliant people who will go along with them. This is because They need someone to validate their statements to, once again, have control over the situation. People who oppose their speech are of no use to them and this is where conflicts usually begin. For this reason, they look for a person to act as a mirror and simply follow everything they say.

3. He behaves passive-aggressively

These people incorporate a passive-aggressive attitude in their communications. Such as talking about themselves repeatedly, withholding information, ending a conversation abruptly, not taking into account the information given to them, invalidating what the other person says, wasting the other person’s time for no purpose, blaming constantly at the other person, they oppose to control the conversation, they insist on the same statements, they avoid answering certain questions, etc.

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4. They make generalizations in their statements

“We”, “Everyone” are frequently used by narcissistic people Deep down, when they generalize, they refer to what only they really think. For example, they may verbalize “We all think that you…” when they really mean “I think that…”. It is also common for these people to use the plural and assume without asking your opinion or consent that you think the same as them.

5. They are always ahead

Because of their search for social validation and constant reassurance, these people always try to prove that they are ahead of you. That is, phrases like “You don’t need to tell me that, I already know…” are typical in narcissistic personality disorder. They denote that feeling of superiority and of course, their need to record it.

6. He seeks to make you feel bad

Because of their need to manipulate others and take absolute control of situations, these people make you feel bad with their words or actions. Something typical is that they make you feel ignorant or that you know little compared to them This is because due to their air of grandeur, they feel that they know everything and to reaffirm themselves, they need to make the person next to them feel inferior. “You have no idea”, “You don’t know anything” are phrases that actually demonstrate the low self-esteem of this group of people.

7. It is never to blame

A very characteristic feature of narcissistic personality disorder is that they always attribute the negative consequences of their actions to other people. They are unable to realize that they make mistakes and that they may be to blame for something. Consequently, another thing that is said a lot in conversations is “It’s not my fault…”.

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How to act with narcissistic people?

It is important to detect narcissistic people, especially to know how to act with them so as not to hurt each other more. Furthermore, we must reflect on what this person is contributing to our lives and if we really want to keep them.

It is clear that narcissists have the right to act and be as they are, but do not forget that you also have the same right to choose who you want in your life and, conversely, who you want away from it. According to experts, it is important to set clear boundaries with these people so that they do not affect your mental health.