How To Emotionally Manage A Betrayal?

How to emotionally manage a Betrayal?

Many people experience betrayals as some of the most painful and emotionally draining experiences in life. Betrayals are spoken of as episodes in which the trust we place in people close to us is broken. Disappointment or mistakes in relation to our relationship with other people is normal; They are done without intent to harm and may be understandable. Betrayal, on the other hand, is done intentionally.

Betrayal can be damaging forever and leave a scar that takes a lot of time and effort to heal. When the trust we had in another person is broken, the fear appears that another person will do the same thing again, and it generalizes to other social relationships, making it difficult to establish healthy relationships that do not work through fear or distrust.

In this article we are going to talk about betrayal, expanding our knowledge about it and exposing different ways to emotionally manage the damage caused for a betrayal. It is important to recognize the pain, accept it and seek healing; We must be responsible so that the damage caused by betrayal does not last forever.

What is betrayal?

Betrayal has been defined as the act or behavior of disloyalty or lack of commitment that exists between two or more people. Loyalty, for its part, is known as the feeling of respect and fidelity towards one’s own moral principles and the commitments that have been established with other people.

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When a betrayal occurs, the betraying person breaks the trust placed in him or her, usually in order to obtain some benefit. It is given intentionally, and the damage it will cause to the person who is betrayed is known

Betrayal can manifest itself in different ways depending on its nature or the relationship between the betraying person and the betrayed person(s). Some examples of betrayal are:

1. Love betrayal

Betrayal or infidelity is probably one of the most common and widespread, and at the same time, the one that generates the most fear. In this, in a relationship the limits established with the other person are broken, such as, for example, breaking relational or sexual exclusivity in the case of a closed and exclusive relationship. There are also love betrayals in the area of ​​money or time.

Basically, any love betrayal would be one that does not comply with the limits or values ​​established in the relationship and whose consequences generate significant discomfort in the other person.

2. Friendly betrayal

Betrayal in a friendship happens when the bond of friendship with a close person is broken because they have done something that has hurt us or has affected the trust placed in this person. It could be, for example, a friendly betrayal, your friend speaking badly about you behind your back, disappearing during your bad moments, or constantly criticizing you to the point of hurting you.

3. Family betrayal

family betrayal It is often linked to family trauma and economic or belonging issues These are especially painful because the family nucleus, in most cases, is our first network of support and connection, so overcoming this type of rupture or mistrust can be much more complicated than in other cases. “

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4. Work betrayal

Workplace betrayal refers to the commitment between two or more people in the workplace or corporate environment. In this betrayal, one party harms or damages the other person’s business, in most cases, with the aim of obtain greater benefits at the cost of harming those of the betrayed party

Strategies to emotionally manage a betrayal

Emotional management is essential to overcome a betrayal and adjust the new way in which you perceive the person who has betrayed you and your relationship in your mental schemas. Below, as a conclusion, we propose some strategies that may be useful to manage your emotions in this context:

1. Accept and process your emotions

After experiencing a betrayal, it’s natural to experience a smorgasbord of intense emotions that can be very confusing. It is important that you allow yourself to feel these emotions; What has happened to you with this person has damaged you and is normal, you should not ignore it Allow yourself to cry, feel anger or confusion and do not repress your feelings; This can prolong your healing process. Some ways to do this may be by writing a journal, talking to trusted friends, or considering psychological therapy to explore and understand your feelings more deeply.

2. Practice self-care

A very important part of recovery is self-care; Having betrayed you, you may feel distrustful of having other people, but you can always count on yourself. Pay attention to your physical and emotional needs, spend time doing activities that make you happy and calm, and establish healthy sleep routines to recharge your energy and rest properly.

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3. Seek support

In addition to trusting yourself, it is very positive that you try to develop bonds with other people. Sharing your feelings and experiences with people you trust can give you the comfort you need, as well as see your realities with other perspectives

4. Focus on your personal growth

It may be very difficult for you to see it still if you are at the beginning of your recovery process, but you also learn from a betrayal. It is important to look for opportunities for personal growth in these types of challenging experiences Reflect on what you have learned, identify personal strengths and weaknesses and be aware of what types of attitudes you will not tolerate in the future in other people.