The Importance Of Building Healthy Habits: How To Establish Routines In My Life?


We are so used to acting or changing the way we do things when something collapses in our lives or we feel over-extended. When things get overwhelming we want things to change and in general we do not register, nor do we know how we got to be like this.

Since childhood, human beings are inserted in schools and societies that invite us to follow obligations and have each day structured in what we are expected to do Although it is very important and useful for us to insert ourselves socially and develop professionally in the future, it is completely left out in most families to make a place in our daily lives for conscious habits that generate favorable moods.

Why are healthy habits so important?

One of the most beautiful learnings in my life was to gradually and voluntarily incorporate activities and moments into my daily life that then have a sustained impact on my mood. I at least grew up in an environment where it was assumed that there was no place for that, that one had to follow responsibilities and that was what everyday life was like.

Moments of “enjoyment” were only meant for when one had time to spare. Although it was functional because it fulfilled everything externally, personally my life was not aligned with what my long-term values ​​are How can fulfilling obligations be the majority of our lives? Live as if we had a thousand lives, without also prioritizing everything that does good to the being that lives in each of us.

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Likewise, on the path of adult life, asking myself these questions also led me to tell myself if I was not too dreamy for what I wanted. People sometimes see the lives of others that they enjoy and say: how lucky their or that person’s life is because they can and have plenty of time!

The reality is that it is not like that, it is not luck, nor something unattainable. It takes a lot of courage to attend to that inner voice that doesn’t feel happy. That voice that perhaps you are reading and understand that it wants something more, that although it is super responsible with the world, it also wants to be responsible with itself If these words sound familiar to you today, it is not a problem. Those emotions are a sign that you also want to change.

I suggest you start incorporating healthy habits into your days, which will not only impact your mood, but will also make you more productive. Paradoxically, doing something you enjoy will not take away more energy, thinking that it takes more time, but on the contrary, it will help you so that everything you have been doing can be done in a higher state of mind.


Routines for positive change

Routines also help to increase your confidence, because having control over something in your life and fulfilling it affects the image and thoughts you have about yourself I share with you some ideas of healthy habits to incorporate into your routines:

Good quality of life is built. Discipline is a skill that you can develop no matter what your life has been like until now. I invite you to be kind, and understand that anything new you want to incorporate is going to take time and probably not be a perfect path.

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Just as a baby when learning to walk first crawls, then takes small steps and usually falls many times until he manages to have the habit incorporated; The same thing happens to us when we want to acquire new habits. It is important to set realistic goals, if today all the responsibilities in your life take up a lot, start proposing activities of a few minutes that you can sustain I encourage you to live the life that makes you proud, and value time.
