How Do I Know If I Have “bad” Friends? 8 Signs Of An Unconstructive Friendship

What does it mean to be in a “bad” friendship? How can we know if someone is a “bad” friend? Discover some signs that could indicate that a person is not a good company for you.

How do I know if I have "bad" friends? 8 Signs of an unconstructive friendship

Friends are a fundamental part of our lives. In fact, surrounding ourselves with positive people will help us end up being our best version. Maintaining good friendships will make us have better health and well-being, which translates into prolonging our life. Even so, not all friendships are good company. When a friend leads us to a state of mental and/or emotional fatigue or makes us feel bad on many occasions, perhaps we are facing a “bad” friendship. It is important to identify these types of interactions in our group because they can end up affecting our body and mental well-being. But how can we identify a ‘negative’ friendship for us?

Signs of a “bad” friend

One of the main signs that may indicate that someone may be a “bad” friend For you, it is that it makes you feel more stressed than normal or you feel exhausted when you are around them. Taking this into account, some of the main signs of a “bad” friendship may be the following:

  1. Too competitive with you: Comparisons are not only hateful, but they can cause a friendship to end up with behaviors or attitudes that affect both parties. When this happens, it is important to keep in mind that comparing yourself to another person is negative for you and your connection with the other person. The only person you should compare yourself to is yourself, as this allows you to improve without harming yourself.
  2. There is mistrust: Lack of confidence can be a sign that you are facing a “bad” friend This mistrust may be due to past experiences that have marked you. For example, this person doesn’t keep your most intimate secrets or simply isn’t there when you need them most.
  3. Puts you down or makes fun of you: These types of attitudes should never be tolerated in any type of relationship. When this happens, it tends to be mainly because these people feel very bad about themselves and want to use others to make themselves feel better.
  4. They are a bad influence: A “bad” friendship It will push you to do things you don’t really want to do. For example, it will encourage you to drink alcohol when in reality you don’t want to. Faced with this type of behavior, it is important to put a stop to it. In fact, a “good” friendship is about someone who is constructive for you, that is, who seeks to help you improve and not get worse in your life.
  5. They only want to be with you out of interest: A person who only seeks you out when they need something from you is not a sign of a good friendship. That is, those people who seek constant attention, ask you for constant favors or only want to be with you when it suits them.
  6. He criticizes you too much: A “bad” friendship It also involves constant criticism. That is, when someone is too critical of what you do, this can end up affecting your physical and mental well-being.
  7. Doesn’t respect your limits: “Bad” friends are also those who exceed your limits. That is to say, he or she is a person who crosses the line and can end up making you feel bad about yourself. If you have already mentioned it several times and this person does not respect you, this may be a sign that you are facing a ‘bad’ friendship.
  8. They are always wrong: We can all have bad moments. But, when a person is always in a bad situation, this can be a sign that he has an unhealthy need to want to be the center of attention.
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These are some of the signs that may indicate that a person is a “bad” friendship for you If you feel that you are dealing with a situation like this and that this is affecting you, it is important that you go to a professional psychologist.

Signs of a “bad” friend

How to deal with a “bad” friend?

Many people can feeling trapped in a “bad” friendship In the event that you feel that a friend is being negative for you or is even affecting you psychologically, it is important to keep the following in mind:

  • Talk about it with the person: If you think this friendship can reconsider, try talking to her about it. This means saying it assertively, making the person not feel attacked by you at any time, that is, always speaking from your own experience.
  • Ask yourself about friendship: In the event that this friendship is affecting you too much, it is important that you ask yourself if you feel valued in this relationship, if you are happy with this person or if they are really bringing you something positive.
  • Build new relationships: When deciding to end a “bad” friendship, it is important that you surround yourself with more positive and meaningful relationships. That is, try to meet new people who can contribute to you.

Having constructive friendships by your side is vital to feeling like your life is full. In fact, the people around you will end up helping you become your best version and achieve greater physical and mental well-being.