Emotional Maturity Test: Are You A Mature Person?

How do I know if I am an emotionally mature person? What does emotional maturity entail? Discover how to know if you are emotionally mature.

Emotional maturity test

Have emotional maturity It involves having greater awareness of situations, emotions and thoughts, as well as knowing how to respond to them. Therefore, a mature person has the necessary strategies to be able to manage your emotional life in the most effective and healthy way. So how do I know if I am emotionally mature?

Why is emotional maturity important?

Life has different stages, and in each of them people usually develop emotionally and psychologically. That is, having emotional maturity implies having the wisdom and ability to manage our emotions, thoughts and feelings. In this way, the psychological maturity It is important for the following:

  • Better comunication: Knowing how to communicate with others in an assertive way is vital to having more meaningful relationships with others. In fact, an emotionally immature person will experience many difficulties in conveying their thoughts, emotions and opinions to others. That is, the better we talk about how we feel and our ideas, the greater our level of maturity
  • More confidence: Immaturity is linked to trust issues. Therefore, if you do not know how to trust yourself or others, it is likely that you lack a certain emotional maturity For example, one of the signs of being emotionally mature is not expecting others to read your mind. On the contrary, these mature people will try to make others understand how they feel through words.
  • Less vulnerability: All people can fall into an ’emotional trap’. But how much more emotional maturity l, the more wisdom we have regarding these manipulations by others. Furthermore, having less vulnerability also implies having some awareness of our weaknesses and knowing how to accept them.
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These are some of the virtues that emotionally mature people usually possess. Therefore, the emotional maturity It is a skill you should learn to have better mental health.

Are you a mature person?

Emotional maturity test: Am I a mature person?

Sometimes we can feel dissatisfied with ourselves, with others or with our profession because we do not have a certain emotional maturity. In fact, there are ways to know if we are really mature people. You can check your emotional maturity through this test (Rate your answers as: 1 = rarely; 2 = sometimes; 3 = almost always):

  1. I pause before speaking to think and organize my ideas.
  2. I consider the consequences of my actions before acting
  3. I weigh the pros and cons of decisions before making them.
  4. I set realistic and achievable long-term goals.
  5. I develop a plan to achieve those goals and set daily objectives.
  6. I develop a plan to deal with potential problems I may face so I can stay on track toward those long-term goals.
  7. I believe in the results I see, without taking responsibility for what is not under my control.
  8. I readily accept the consequences of my decisions and actions instead of rejecting them.
  9. I agree to face the consequences of my decisions and actions instead of fighting them.
  10. I accept that it is my responsibility to face the consequences of my decisions and actions.
  11. I commit to taking action to address the consequences of my decisions and actions.
  12. I commit to having a plan to take those actions and accept the consequences of not completing them in the agreed time.


  • 12 to 19 points: You are a very immature person. This means that it is almost impossible for you to delay gratification and willingly and calmly accept responsibility for your impulsive decisions. You have a tendency to be hostile towards others and hold a certain grudge.
  • 20 to 27 points: You are an immature person. This means that you are not happy with the results of your actions and decisions, which are usually hasty.
  • 28 to 36 points: You are a mature person. Your decisions are often guided by your core values ​​and extend beyond your personal needs and desires to others. Thus, when things don’t work out as you expected, you feel disappointed, but you rarely blame others. Additionally, you focus on solving your problems when they arise, correcting your course and moving forward.
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This emotional maturity test will help you know if you really are a person who has this ability. Even so, you should know that maturity can be learned through effort and inner work. Therefore, if you want to work on it, you can always count on the help of a mental health professional. Having greater maturity will make you enjoy the small details of life more, as well as be more satisfied with your decisions, actions and behaviors.