What Is Non-binary Gender

Man-woman, masculine-feminine, hetero-homo… Our society is designed to understand these concepts in a binary way and, by extension, it is also easier for our minds to conceptualize these realities as opposite categories. This is why any new term that falls outside of traditional options is so difficult to be understood and accepted by society. This is the case of the non-binary gender and, therefore, in this PsychologyFor article we will try to explain what is non-binary gender from a psychological perspective

Definition of non-binary person

A nonbinary person is that person who does not identify with either of the two classic genres that have traditionally been associated with the two classic sexes: masculine for men and feminine for women. On the contrary, they identify with identities that go beyond these concepts, within which are identities such as queeragender, pangender, fluid gender and countless more that you can find in the article on gender identity.

Non-binary gender from a psychological perspective

Until now, gender has not only been a social construction, but also an imposition. Imposition in which if you did not fit you were an object susceptible to being branded as mentally ill, with a greater probability of suffering. stress psychological and suffer from mental disorders such as depression or anxiety Here you will find more information about what depression and anxiety are.

Now that we are becoming more aware of the reality that a person is not born with the gender the possibilities of identification multiply, and more and more generations are getting rid of the old gender impositions to allow themselves to be and feel freer, more authentic, more themselves.

What is non-binary gender - Non-binary gender from a psychological perspective

Famous non-binary people

The dissidence of binary gender identities, despite being a minority, is not as new or as unknown as one might think. Celebrities of all classes and ages are examples of this type of self-identification. Here are some famous non-binary people:

  • Pete Townshend The guitarist of The Who, “outed himself” as nonbinary in 1989, before the concept was widely understood or discussed.
  • Steven Tyler The leader of the famous band Aerosmith has always considered himself androgynous and when talking about gender he declares himself nonbinary
  • Tilda Swinton The English actress, known for films such as The Chronicles of Narnia or Doctor Strange, has defined herself as polyamorous, pansexual and androgynous, in addition to leaning towards ambiguous gender roles. In her films she has starred as both men and women, as well as characters no gender It is also rumored that he could be the new genderless joker in the new Batman movie.
  • Miley Cyrus This well-known star, in addition to declaring herself pansexual, in an interview also stated that she did not relate to being a boy or a girl, and that her partner would not have to relate to being of one sex or another either.
  • Ruby Rose The Australian model and actress answers that she does not feel neither man nor woman but as something in the middle of the spectrum when asked about their gender identity.
  • Sam Smith The British singer confirmed in an interview that she does not feel neither masculine nor feminine and that when reading about the concepts non-binary and genderqueer He realized that he identified with them. In a more recent post on Instagram she has asked that neutral pronouns be used to refer to her person.
  • Lachlan Watson She is one of the celebrities nonbinary younger. The actor/actress, known for her role in the series Sabrina, plays Susie-Theo, a character who also goes beyond the norms of the genre.
  • Asia Kate Dillon She appeared in series such as Orange is the new black, but is most recognized for giving life to the character Taylor Mason in the series Billions, the first non-binary character played by a nonbinary person
  • Indya Moore Trans model and actress who also considers herself nonbinary and uses neutral pronouns with his person.
  • LP The singer of the famous song “Lost on you”, with her androgynous style, is openly LGTBIQ + and considers herself a person nonbinary
  • Eliot Sumner She is the daughter of singer Sting, she claims that does not identify with a gender specific and does not believe in gender labels.

What is non-binary gender - Famous non-binary people

Difference between gender fluid and non-binary

The term non-binary gender rather refers to an umbrella that encompasses all dissident forms of the two classic genders, male and female. Fluid gender would be one of the types of non-binary gender, which would characterize those people who feel in the middle of the gender spectrum between men and women, and would combine elements that are associated with both genders, with androgynous or changing looks depending on the day. As the term announces, people who identify with fluid gender would fluctuate between genders.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is non-binary gender we recommend that you enter our Social Psychology category.


  • Freitez, M. (2017). Millennials: the gender fluid generation? Cuadrivio Magazine.
  • Garibello Liberato, B.S. (2018). Bases for understanding gender diversity and sexual diversity. Funlam Journal of Students’ Research, 3, 163-168.

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