How To Find Motivation? 10 Tips To Follow The Direction Towards Success

Do you think you don’t have enough motivation to achieve your goals? Do you know that there are psychological methods with which you can improve it? Discover how to be motivated and successful.

How to get motivation?

Throughout each person’s life, thousands of alternatives arise in which a decision can be decisive. But what moves us to take one path or another? What is the importance of personal motivation? Motivation in psychology is one of the fundamental skills to enjoy a life full of happiness. Discover how it is created and how to get motivated for each of your objectives.

What is motivation?

The motivation Broadly speaking, it is what we decide to take a path or choose to take a different resolution to the problem in which we are immersed, always with the idea of ​​obtaining something or simply because it makes us feel good and causes us a sense of well-being.

A good one definition of motivation It would be one that understands it as a process that initiates, guides and maintains behaviors oriented towards certain objectives. In this way, there are many motivational factors such as certain biological, emotional, social and cognitive issues that activate this type of attitude.

Types of motivation

Motivation is essential in all aspects of human life and a tool widely used by psychologists. For this reason, to better understand the motivation psychology different ways of classifying it have been determined.

  • Motivation at work: Improves our professional status, helps us achieve our individual and group objectives, or exceed our economic expectations. Our own personal motivation is as important as that which must be provided to us in our work environment, which is why today new leaders are on the rise who use motivation techniques so that the work group they lead can be more productive as well as efficient.
  • Motivation in the family: Get motivated to improve our relationships with our family members will bring us well-being and will strengthen us when facing possible problems or conflicts that may arise, managing to face them from another point of view, and in this way providing a warm and friendly environment. calm place where you can discuss and address problems, in addition to providing motivation techniques to your adolescent children, when studying, or entering the world of work for the first time.
  • Personal motivation or self-motivation: It consists of doing new activities to feel useful, planning a trip or simply signing up for language classes, yoga, painting, cooking… everything. motivation Focused on a different activity, it will develop our mind and provide us with a pleasant feeling, in addition to influencing overcoming crises or small depressions in which we are immersed, at specific moments in our lives. Without a doubt the motivation It is essential to achieve our personal achievements and goals as well as to develop self-confidence. In addition to these types of motivation, we also find another way to classify this attitude based on the factors that activate these behaviors.
  • Extrinsic: The motivational factors that trigger this attitude are subject to events that are outside of us. In this way, this type of motivation involves rewards such as trophies, money or even social recognition.
  • Intrinsic: The motivations for this style arise from within an individual, that is, they come from one’s own personal satisfaction
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These are the main types of motivation that we can find in our society. Understanding what our motivational factors are can help us achieve any of the objectives we have in our mind.

Types of motivations

Motivation theories

Our motivations They can be essential to achieve our objectives and goals, whether personal or professional. Although we use motivation in our daily lives, the reality is that psychologists have not yet reached a consensus on how this stimulus works. According to various research, we can mainly find three theories that could explain this phenomenon.

  • instinct theory: One of the psychology motivation theories It indicates that we manage to be motivated to try to complete goals through our instincts. According to the psychology of motivation, instinct is a fixed, innate pattern of behavior that acts as an impulse. In this way, positive motivation acts by creating behaviors that occur in order to satisfy some of the basic survival needs.
  • Theory of impulses and needs: In our biology there are basic needs such as food, water and shelter. One of these theories of motivational psychology establishes that our behaviors are motivated by the need to satisfy precisely these needs.
  • Arousal theory: One of the motivation theories that is most accepted within psychology is precisely this. It states that people adopt behaviors to maintain a level of arousal that is personally optimal. In this way, there are people who require a higher level of arousal and others who do not have as much.

Although these are the motivational theories most widespread in the world of psychology, the reality is that there are many more that try to give a truthful explanation to this process.

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How to have more motivation?

There are some methods that allow us to have more motivations to achieve each of our objectives. Although they are examples of motivation that can be useful to all of us, in many cases each person will have to know themselves better to be able to know how to motivate themselves.

  1. Set realistic goals: Many times the motivation It ends up failing us as we set goals that are too difficult. Thus, the best way to achieve personal motivation is to have a goal that is big enough to inspire you but is achievable. Balance in motivational psychology is one of the main secrets to achieving everything you want.
  2. Keep a journal: By writing in a journal we are pushing ourselves to achieve each of your goals. Having each of your goals written down will allow you to materialize the voice inside you and will help you clarify how to achieve each of your dreams. Additionally, journaling can also be a reminder of everything you have accomplished, which is a positive motivation In herself.
  3. Exercise: Exercise is not only essential to enjoy a healthy life, but it is also vital to increase our body’s energy and relieve stress. All of this means that we can improve our state of mind, facts that allow you to row towards the direction of your goals and objectives.
  4. Visualize your goals: According to different investigations of the motivational psychology, visualizing a future where you assume each of the goals you have in your mind can be a good way to achieve motivation. But for this to work you will not only have to visualize your long-term goals, but also the small steps you will need to take to achieve them.How to get motivation for your goals?
  5. Start as soon as possible: One of the most difficult parts of any of your tasks will be starting to do it. Once you start any task, it is much easier to maintain this momentum. This way, you don’t need to read more about how to find motivation and get to work with each of your projects.
  6. Use a timer: If you feel like you don’t have enough motivation To start a task, a good method to achieve it is precisely by using a timer. In this way you establish a rest that will come as a reward for your work.
  7. Comment what you want to do: In many studies of the motivation psychology It has been proven that social pressure can be a good tool to encourage our actions. When we inform our loved ones of each of our objectives, we normally try to find more arguments to enhance our motivations.
  8. Change your internal dialogue: Internal dialogue is the way we talk to ourselves. In this way, if we do not stop telling ourselves negative things, it is very likely that we will end up leaving behind our motivations to achieve each of our objectives. Therefore, it is vital to have a positive internal dialogue and encourage that we are capable of anything we set our minds to.
  9. Have a to-do list: A to-do list will always be a great way to quantify everything you do. So much so that to get one positive motivation It will be essential to wake up and establish a to-do list for the day. Every time you accomplish something, cross it off the list. Although reality may seem silly when we see it crossed out on a list at the end of a task, this creates personal satisfaction that pushes us in the right direction.
  10. Establish consequences: Although in all motivation examples It is much better to have a reward than a punishment, sometimes establishing certain consequences can help you have the necessary motivation to achieve your goals. To achieve this, you can visualize what would happen if you don’t do what you really want to achieve your goals and keep it in mind to get to work.
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These are some of the ways in which motivational psychology It gives us tools to achieve the necessary motivation for each of our goals. Despite this, personal motivation is linked to many intrinsic causes of our person, which is why it is vital that to find enough energy to achieve our goals, we have iron mental health. If this is not your case, perhaps what you need to know how to find motivation is precisely the help of a professional psychologist. Finding our motivations is a challenge that we must overcome to achieve success in our lives.