Technological Well-being

Technological well-being

About to reach the middle of the year 2022 and after more than two years marked by a global health crisis, we are at a turning point in which Technology has finally settled into our lives

For better or worse, new communication and information management systems are now the norm rather than the exception, and this is causing changes in human interactions, project management, work dynamics and the way in which that we travel or buy. Therefore, at happiens we believe that it is a perfect time to reflect on the potential that technology has to influence the emotional and psychological well-being of people and society in general.

We propose a critical and constructive reflection in which ideas become decisions and actions that lead to real changes, which allow us to build a better future; a more humane and happy future.

When social relationships become virtual

We live in a hyperconnected world, or so they say. At happiens we are not so clear, since if we leave aside Wi-Fi connections, Bluetooth, fiber optics, social networks, apps, planes or trains, we do not have the feeling that the world or, rather, We, people, are more connected than before.

We mean on a human and emotional level ; We talk about conscious connections. In fact, we may be more fragmented and polarized than ever, and in part that is due to these new technologies that seem to connect us all more. What a paradox, right?

We interact through social networks and mobile applications and we think we know what the other person is like from a series of photos, phrases, hashtags or titles, while in real life we ​​barely talk, or perhaps we have not even seen each other. We send each other photos (sometimes very intimate) or leave comments on posts that we don’t dare say in real life. We speak more and more through chats and with emojis and less on the phone or face to face… At happiens we do not say that we have to stop using this technology, but it is essential that we learn to use them in a more conscious and concrete way. Not for everything and all the time.

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In this sense, it is important to talk about education, above all, the new generations that are being born and growing directly in a digital environment But for changes to occur, the older generations must also be involved, those who currently govern, legislate, direct and lead most companies.

The need to reformulate education

All schools, institutes and universities in the world should incorporate subjects so that students know how these new technologies work, their advantages and disadvantages, their possibilities and limitations, and, above all, how they affect us as people emotionally and psychologically With that education and information, we will be truly free to decide whether to use them or not and if we do, consciously choose how.

Benefits of new technologies

At happiens we firmly believe in education and freedom as fundamental values ​​necessary for happiness and human progress. We believe in the importance of bringing useful tools, information and knowledge to people so that they are more free, aware and happy. We believe that what is important is the essence, consciousness and being, and not so much appearance and having. We believe it is valuable to understand that many times “less is more” and that we must put awareness in our decisions and actions to be able to improve our future, and our present.

Technological well-being: reconnecting with our human side

From the beginning, happiens was born with a vocation for positive impact through the use of new technologies, since the Humanism and Science Foundation (FHC) was aware that it was the most appropriate way to reach many people and bring them tools and ideas. transformative, that could help them advance on their path to happiness. In fact, the origin of happiens was the creation of an online course based on a book written by the former president and founder of the FHC, Carlos Zapata Pérez, titled “Happiness is in your hands.”

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This book essentially collects a series of learnings, reflections and exercises that Carlos collected throughout his life and wanted to capture in a book with the aim that other people will benefit from what he had discovered after many years of experiences, joys, sorrows. , challenges, changes… Happiness is inside, not outside. Is a state of being, which depends more on us than we think

And that essence, that spirit, is what collects and keeps happiens alive using current media and advances to reach the greatest number of people possible, but without losing the quality and authenticity of the message along the way.

The potential of new technologies

Thanks to the enormous technological advances of recent decades, we have been able to create quality content in a short time and with relatively few resources that we can then send to people around the world. Thanks to the screens of tablets and computers and the creation of smartphones, We all have in our hands resources and knowledge of incalculable value, available at any time and place, and that’s wonderful. Is incredible!

This is a clear example of how technology can contribute to increasing people’s well-being, reducing costs and bringing resources previously only available to a few.

This would fall within what is known today as positive technology, that is, the practical union of positive psychology and information and communication technologies, in order to improve people’s experience, expand their well-being, foster social cohesion and develop human strengths, among other things. It consists of not only the content, but also the design of the apps and websites, taking into account the emotional and psychological well-being of people and not only the product or service they offer.

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If we want to build a world with higher levels of well-being, a conscious and connected world, in which technology helps us and does not separate us, manipulate us or generate dependency, It is essential that we dedicate efforts and resources to improving the quality of life of all people At happiens we believe that we are at a crucial moment in which we can use technology in a more democratic and transparent way, to grow towards a happier and more sustainable future.

For this, in addition to promoting positive technology, technological well-being and organizations with a purpose, we must go beyond the individual and personal to act on a global level, generating a level of collective consciousness and brotherhood as a species in which technological advances are for everyone, instead of for a few and to the detriment of many.