Introversion In Children, A Problem That Needs To Be Corrected?

Why does my child prefer to stay home playing alone than go out to the park to have fun with others? Could it be that he has a problem when it comes to socializing or making friends?

Introversion in children, a problem that needs to be corrected?

Parents, teachers and other people around a child with a closed and introverted nature often wonder how they can help the child correct this problem. The first thing we should keep in mind, however, is that introversion is not a psychological problem or something that needs to be corrected; It is a trait of a person’s personality and is as valid as extroversion. Why, then, is the closed character of children judged?

We live in a world where communication is everything; The tools to communicate with others are becoming more accessible and numerous and that often means we have difficulty understanding what drives someone to not want to communicate with others. Why does my child prefer to stay home playing alone than go out to the park to have fun with others? Why doesn’t he want to go on camp, play team sports, or attend his classmates’ birthday parties? Could it be that he has a problem when it comes to socializing or making friends?

Differences between being shy and being introverted

Parents with introverted children often find themselves very lost and unable to understand why their son or daughter is different from others. And, although as parents it is normal for us to worry about the emotional well-being of our children, the following differentiation should be very clear: an introverted child is not the same as a shy child. Introversion and shyness are often thought of as synonymous words, although they mean different things.

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We could consider a shy person to be someone who has problems establishing personal relationships with others due to fear of social contact. The person who is introverted, however, is not because they do not socialize out of fear, but because they prefer not to maintain contact with others. Introverted children, in fact, usually have good social skills; If they have few friends it is because they have chosen it that way.

My son is introverted, how do I help him?

If our child is afraid of establishing emotional ties with others and socializing for fear of what other children or adults may think of him, we do have a problem that should be treated. If we are clear, however, that we are not talking about a phobia of contact with others, but rather about introversion, what do we do? “My son is an introvert, what do I do?” The answer is simple: Nothing.

It is a personality trait, a characteristic that we cannot fight against nor for which treatment is required. “But he is always alone and doesn’t usually want to talk to anyone, how do I know that he doesn’t have an emotional disorder or is depressed?” Their isolation and/or little contact with others does not necessarily show an emotional problem. The best way to help the introverted child is by understanding and accepting him as he is.

Tips to establish a good relationship with an introverted child

1) Understand your child’s needs and accept that there will be plenty of times when he or she wants to be alone.

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2) Respect these needs and do not judge him or compare him with other children (siblings, cousins, classmates…)

3) Don’t force him to spend more time with others, this will cause stress and make him feel irritable and unhappy.

4) Don’t make him feel like he has a problem: he’s not a weirdo.

5) Do not under any circumstances try to change your character, it is not only unnecessary but it would also be practically impossible.

Some introverted geniuses

Introversion is often conceived as a defect and a problem that, in reality, is not such. Often subjected to unfair judgment, introverts enjoy their time alone and quickly feel satiated by spending time with others.

Will a child’s introverted nature and refusal to socialize with others cause him to have problems in life? Will this personality trait prevent you from leading a successful life? Under any concept; in fact, it is often the opposite. It is known that recognized personalities such as Newton, Bill Gates, Einstein or Da Vinci were introverted children during their childhood.

But if we notice that introversion or excessive shyness prevents the child or adolescent from building relationships with peers and being happy, perhaps it is better to consult with a psychologist who can help them overcome this difficulty.