How To Be More Convincing: 15 Practical Tips

How to be more convincing

It is clear that convincing is not an easy task, since the other person is likely to interpret the situation as an attack on their way of thinking if we do not know how to present and express the message well.

We must know that The message is as important as the way we transmit it so that it reaches and is accepted by our interlocutor So it will be essential to present a clear message adapted to the recipient, that is, personalized, and appear confident and convinced of our proposal, taking into account the verbal and non-verbal message, the gestures, the tone of voice…

In this article we present some Strategies that can be useful to be more convincing Remember that everyone has strengths, so use them and test which techniques help you the most to convince through your message.

Tips to be more convincing

It has happened to everyone at some point that we have not been able to convince another person to make our proposal. The process of convincing is not easy, since each individual has his own way of thinking and way of seeing the things that he tends to defend before others. Likewise, in the society we live in, we are taught that we must defend and maintain our beliefs or thoughts; “Giving up” to the ideas of others is not seen as a good thing, but is often understood as a failure

We must take these aspects into account so that when we try to convince another we do it appropriately, without making them feel attacked or that they must defend something.

In this sense, convincing consists of getting someone to change their mind or carry out an act based on the reasons or approaches that we have presented to them. To achieve this, a series of keys can be followed or taken into account so that our purpose of convincing is more effective and we are able to influence others. Below we present some of the techniques used.

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1. Be confident in what you are communicating

It is essential that if we want our proposals to be taken into account, we present them safely and let us show ourselves convinced of what we say.

For example, we will not be able to convince people to buy a product if they perceive doubt in the argument we give, if we express contradiction in something we say. Our speech is the tool we have to convince and, therefore, it must be clear.

2. Empathize with the other person

It seems like an obvious question, but it is easy that when we try to convince someone, the situation can become a little tense or we may appear more authoritarian to achieve our goal, but this mode of action will not help us, since it will cause greater rejection, so the best way to show ourselves is as someone nice and pleasant because it will be in this way that we will have any chance of persuading.

In order to convince the other person, it is important that we understand and put ourselves in their place, how they see things, since this way we can argue our proposal referring to aspects that may benefit or interest them. If we are empathetic and let him know, it is more likely that he will not feel attacked and will more easily accept what we say or ask.

How to connect better

3. Identify points that unite you

Even if you have a different vision, it is very likely that there are points in which you show some similarity or agree ; Take advantage of this similarity to express that you are not so different. Perceiving the other as an equal is essential to accept what they say to us, since we will not understand it as a defeat or surrender, but rather we will approve what they say because it really is what we want or is best for us.

4. Give arguments for your proposal

Another strategy that can help make our proposal seem convincing is know how to explain and give concrete arguments in favor of your proposal This means that it will help us explain the reason for what we say or want. If we present something well argued, they will more likely accept it.

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5. Use an appropriate tone of voice

To be more convincing and also give a greater feeling of security, it is essential that our voice is appropriate. Use a medium tone, do not raise your voice or speak softly, maintain a slow pace, do not speed up, take appropriate pauses and breaths. Try not to modify your voice in a very abrupt or artificial way in this way it will be easier for the other subject to receive and accept the message more easily.

6. Take care of your gestures

We don’t want the other individual to feel attacked or that they have to defend themselves against something. Therefore, we must: take care of our body language, avoid sudden or aggressive gestures, do not cross your arms (a posture that expresses a distant attitude), maintain a position with the back upright, not move nervously, maintain the appropriate distance from others, smile or not continually touch or move objects, such as a pen. In short, we will try to make the other person feel comfortable.

7. Look in the eyes

The look is very expressive It is said that with a look we can say many things, so it will be important that when we are communicating our message we look the other person in the eyes. Looking away can mean insecurity and lack of conviction about what we are saying. In addition, looking into the eyes also helps to capture and maintain the attention of the other.

8. Give a personalized message

When we give our message we try to adapt it as much as possible to the subject it is addressed to It will help us to refer to aspects that may benefit them, to information that may interest them or simply say their name, since we are marking a closer and more proximity relationship, we capture their attention more and they perceive us as someone they know and not. as a threat.

9. Let him express himself

In the same way that we have time to express ourselves, allows him to also express his point of view and feel heard; keep the turn to speak and let him speak In this way, we will also know how they are receiving what we are telling them, we will be able to modify the way we approach it if necessary or reinforce the points that are not clear to them.

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10. Use natural speech

Use familiar language, trying not to use technicalities unnecessarily and making sure that the person understands what you are telling them, because otherwise it will be impossible to convince them. Likewise, natural language also helps you perceive the situation as more relaxed, as a simple conversation and not as a special or different situation.

11. Take care of your image

The external image we give is also important and even more so if the situation where we want to be convincing is more formal. Therefore, we recommend that you be groomed and well dressed, but feeling comfortable and maintaining your style since this way you will have greater confidence and feel more secure.

12. Use emotions

Taking into account the emotions of the other as well as our own, connecting emotionally makes it easier for the other to perceive us as equals and end up accepting what we ask of them. Emotions can bring us closer to each other so practice and use emotional intelligence.

13. Self-revelation

With the term self-regulation we mean giving more personal information about oneself, opening ourselves up a little, making them perceive us closer and making the speech our own, in this way they will be more likely to empathize with us and thus convince them more easily of our proposal.

14. Give importance to the message we want to convey

In all our speech there will be parts more important than others, ideas that we want to reach our interlocutor more. Give them emphasis and highlight what you want to prevail, he repeats the message using different words to make sure it is clear and has been understood.

15. Don’t lose the objective of your message

Giving information and arguing what we convey is important, but just as necessary is not to lose the purpose of our speech. Remember what your purpose is and what you want to convince, since many times we end up talking or focusing on not so important aspects and the true message we want to give is camouflaged or overshadowed.