The 10 Most Valued Qualities Of A Person

Do you know how to identify your virtues and defects? What do you think are the best qualities in a person? Discover the main characteristics of a mentally healthy person.

The most valued qualities of a person

There are a series of qualities of a person which make them more likely to have better mental health as well as being more valued by those around them. These personal qualities have been detected through different studies that psychologists have carried out regarding the attitudes and ways of being of individuals. Do you think you can have one of this list of qualities?

The most valued qualities of a person

The positive qualities They are the ones we pay most attention to when entering into a relationship with another person. In this way, if you want to improve your relationships and your ability to attract others, as well as obtain better mental health, you must take into account the following characteristics of a person.

1. They are flexible and open-minded

One of the negative qualities of a person What stands out the most is precisely its being closed in on itself. Therefore, for many people, a person who is able to leave their comfort zone and adapt to any circumstance is one of the qualities that is most valued both socially and on a personal level. This quality allows them to be able to not be afraid of uncertainty, being able to move in any environment without having any fear or anxiety.

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2. They are independent

Another of the characteristics of a person that are most valued They are independence. Although these people are usually able to be with people and enjoy their company, the reality is that they also know how to really be with themselves. Therefore, the way an independent person is allows them to know when to say no to social invitations and when to accept them.

3. They know how to use their body language

In many cases one of the Human qualities What is least perceived is knowing how to convey what you think or say through your gestures. Most personal defects are transmitted with our own body language, therefore, the people who are most valued usually have good body posture as well as reflect their personality through their attire. Although it doesn’t usually seem like it at first glance, the reality is that our appearance says more about our personal capabilities than we imagine.

Positive characteristics of a person

4. They live in the now

One of the positive qualities of a person most valued in our times is precisely knowing how to live in the here and now. In many cases, people tend to be thinking either about the past or the future, forgetting the present at all times. Therefore, one of the most sought-after abilities of a person is precisely knowing how to flow with each moment of our lives.

In this way, one of the positive things about a person It is knowing how to have plans and dreams for the future, but without being worried about them. That is, these people understand that now is where life really happens.

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5. They are curious

Curiosity is a synonym for intelligence. Therefore, this is one of the positive qualities that a person can possess. In these cases, people usually look for any opportunity to learn something new. This is because they love to learn and satisfy the itch of curiosity.

6. Self-reflection

One of the Personal characteristics What is most valued in people is the capacity for self-reflection. This is because the more a person knows themselves, the more they know about themselves. Furthermore, thinking more about ourselves allows us to be in a state of personal harmony that makes us experience less anxiety.

7. They have a healthy ego

Wanting to reach the top does not always imply something good. It is for this reason that another of the positive qualities What is most valued is having a healthy ego. Having a good ego implies that people seek to be better at what they truly feel is theirs. On the other hand, when something is dominated by the ego, a person’s way of being is characterized by being better than others just to show that they have a higher status.

8. They know how to listen

Being a good listener is another positive characteristics of a person who is valued by his or her environment, by society and by him or herself. Knowing how to listen implies not judging others from the beginning, but knowing how to argue one’s own ideas and contrast them in a positive way with others. People with one of these positive personal qualities usually learn along with every interaction with others, taking advantage of every moment to learn.

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Most positive personal qualities

9. They know how to communicate with others

One of the Human qualities most valued is knowing how to be transparent with others. That is why one of the personal characteristics of these individuals is precisely knowing how to say what they think and having good communication skills. Therefore, they know how to express their ideas even though they are contrary to what the majority says.

On many occasions, people who do not know how to communicate well with others tend to have personal defects that make those around them end up seeing them with bad eyes. For example, they may use manipulation or blackmail to get what they really want without respecting the decisions of loved ones or acquaintances.

10. They learn from mistakes

The fear of failure or error makes people end up having more personal defects or negative qualities what virtues. For this reason, one of the most valued qualities of a person is precisely knowing how to learn from experiences, whether bad or good. People who have these personal abilities can take advantage of a mistake to learn from it and this makes them more likely to be successful in life.

These are some of the characteristics of a person who is not only well regarded by others, but also enjoys good mental health. For this reason, working within ourselves to improve our virtues and leave our defects behind is one of the skills that we must incorporate to have a fuller and happier life. Consulting with a psychologist and dedicating more time to yourself is one of the recipes to be your best version.