Emotional Wellbeing: 7 Methods To Train Your Emotions For Life

What can I do to feel good? What internal mechanisms provide us with emotional well-being? Discover the keys to improve emotionally and enjoy emotional well-being.

How to achieve emotional well-being

Various studies indicate that those people who enjoy a greater emotional well-being They are much more likely to live healthier and longer lives. This happens because the greater your health and well-being, the more likely you are to be successful at work, in relationships, and on a personal level.

In the past, researchers believed that success made people happier. Today, studies have revealed that it is precisely the other way around. People who are happy work harder to achieve their goals and all the pillars related to success. But why our emotional state Is it so important for it?

What is emotional well-being?

The definition of emotional well-being In psychology, it points to a person’s ability to accept and manage their feelings through an attitude of challenge and change. In this way, a person who has a balanced or healthy emotional life commits to being well with each of the experiences or situations in which he finds himself in her daily life.

The moment a person manages to be emotionally balanced, that is, you have emotional intelligence and know how to manage emotions for life, it is said that you are in a state of emotional well-being. This emotional health, although it may seem impossible, can be worked on and achieved through effort.

Characteristics of a person with emotional well-being

The importance of emotions for life It stands out because of everything it entails. In those people who know how to control or manage their emotional life, there are a series of signs that allow them to enjoy all aspects of their daily lives.

  • Self-awareness

Self-awareness is one of the characteristics of emotional health In this way, a person who knows himself emotionally can detect and analyze both his body and his mind.

  • Self-acceptance

when someone knows how to feel good emotionally, knows how to value what he is and what he has. In these cases, in people who benefit from emotional well-being, an attitude of acceptance of who they are can be detected.

  • Self-care

Taking care of yourself is another of the characteristics of someone who has emotional health and well-being Taking care of your body and mind is another sign that you enjoy a balanced emotional state.

  • emotional agility

Have emotional well-being It does not mean being immune to the setbacks or adversities that may occur in your life. However, people who are emotionally healthy may view opportunity or these setbacks as challenges.

  • Live with a purpose

A person with a good emotional state or emotional health He has a purpose in his life. That is, they fight and follow their goals.

  • Manage stress and anxiety

When someone has a balanced emotional well-being you can usually manage stress and anxiety through your inner work.

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These are some of the characteristics of emotional well-being If you don’t feel identified with any of them, you can always work to achieve it with the help of a mental health professional.

Characteristics of a person with emotional health

What are the internal promoters responsible for our emotional well-being?

Our emotional state It is very important, since it depends on where our thoughts are guided and how we end up acting. If we feel sad or angry we will focus more on negative external stimuli, which will lead to more negative thoughts that will feed our sadness or anger and we will have generated a loop that will make us feel increasingly worse.

To break this toxic dynamic that does not benefit us at all, we must learn to generate moments every day that make us release our well-being hormones and feel good.

1. Endorphins

Endorphins are our internal morphine and when they are released into our bloodstream they give us feelings of emotional well-being and they make our brain more receptive to positive external stimuli.

2. Dopamine

Dopamine is the basis of our internal motivation and when we secrete it in our body, it promotes us to carry out proactive behaviors that positively benefit and reward our body.

3. Oxytocin

Oxytocin is the hormone social pleasure and once released in our body, it provides us with sensations of pleasure and comfort that generate a more prosocial attitude, reducing our irritability and aggressiveness.

4. Serotonin

Serotonin is ours antidepressant and it affects our mood and our internal clock. Secreting serotonin helps us fall asleep better, relax and create states of well-being that reduce our anxiety.

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Ways to promote emotional well-being

How to promote emotional well-being?

There are small tools that will help us generate positive moments that make us secrete these hormones, and that we can use in our daily lives to improve our state of emotional well-being.

1. Physical Activity

Exercise, of any kind, such as walking, swimming, dancing… It makes our body active, providing our brain with more blood flow and manufacturing endorphins and dopamines. Exercising is not that difficult, you can put on music and dance for half an hour at home and you are already exercising your body and your emotional well-being

2. Laugh

Creating situations that make you laugh also helps release endorphins and you generate more emotional well-being You can dedicate a moment of your day to imagine a scene that has made you laugh before, read a joke to yourself, tickle someone or simply start to laugh forcefully looking at yourself in the mirror and this gesture will generate genuine laughter in you.

3. Sexual relations

Sex is a very beneficial activity for our body and gives us pleasure in many ways, apart from the orgasm that secretes oxytocin, intimate contact such as caresses and pampering that accompany a sexual relationship generate in us a great degree of comfort and well-being. . Make your sexual relations into intimate games of caressing and you will also intensify the pleasure. When sexual relations begin with massage and caressing games, they become more desirable and more sought after. We must also keep in mind that we can provide intimate pleasure ourselves individually by caressing ourselves and pampering ourselves a little every day, with a good massage with moisturizing cream for example.

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4. Social contact

Hugs, kisses, even a handshake, anything that involves tangible social contact makes us secrete oxytocin. So take advantage of every day to kiss, hug and squeeze your loved ones as much as you can, you will surely feel much better and with more positivity. Getting together with others will foster your emotional health

Keys to having good emotional well-being

5. Relaxation

With all the stress that we accumulate throughout the day due to the pace we follow, having a moment to relax not only our body but also our mind will release serotonin and reduce our anxiety and fatigue. Find a moment to lie down, close your eyes, and breathe deeply and slowly three times. Then imagine yourself in the most relaxed and serene place you can think of, take three more deep breaths and you will see how much better you feel. In this way, through relaxation you will achieve a method to know how to feel good emotionally in tense moments.

6. Develop your emotional intelligence

Another key to being able enjoy emotional health is trying to develop emotional intelligence. This is the ability to recognize, understand and use emotions positively to cope with stress and manage relationships with others.

7. Practice mindfulness and gratitude

Being in the present and being grateful for everything around us is a good method to achieve health and emotional well-being. On many occasions we cannot stop thinking about the past or the future, but we are not in the present. Being in the here and now is one of the keys to being able to enjoy your emotional life

I will beemotionally healthy It is one of the keys to being full of happiness. For this reason, taking care of your emotional state will be the secret to enjoying everything that surrounds you.