Types Of Family: The 6 Family Models And Their Affective Characteristics

Why do I have problems in my family? Maybe you ask yourself that question and don’t know how to answer it. There are different types of family with which we can identify. Discover them.

What are the different types of families that exist?

The families They are not all the same, we know that some are not very close, they are only united by blood but there is no special attachment. However, there are other family models that may not be the most traditional ones that are very close, they do everything together and see each other frequently.

There are different Types of family within our society. Therefore, we could say that family members are those people who feel the constant need to keep in touch with their loved ones, especially with parents or other parental figures.

What are the types of families that exist?

Currently in our society we can differentiate different family models that can represent an entire family unit. The most significant are the following.

1. Nuclear family

These Types of family They are the most traditional and the most widespread. In them we can find two parents who are usually married and their children. This is undoubtedly the most well-known definition of family in society even though these nuclei do not have to be the best. It can also be called a two-parent family when both parents are of the same sex. The main characteristics of this nuclear family are the following.

  • Financially stable since both parents usually work
  • Children raised in a stable parental situation
  • There is more communication
  • More consistency in the family

2. Single parent family

Other familiar structure Also very well known are the single-parent family. Single-parent families are made up of one parent with his or her children. In this way, when there is a single-parent unit, its meaning usually indicates a father or mother who has never married, who is widowed or divorced. Some of the characteristics of these types of families are the following.

  • Much closeness between family members
  • They learn to share household chores
  • Children and parents resistant to adversity
  • They only survive through one income

Types of families

3. Extended family

Another of the family types in sociology It is the extended one. In these types of current families there are more adults who live with the couple and who help raise the children. They may be grandparents, or a couple of three who have decided to start a family. Mainly this family made up of different adult members is characterized by the following.

  • More people help with household chores
  • Social support among members
  • There may be a lack of privacy
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4. Family without children

The families without children They are those who have two parents who cannot have or do not want a child. Currently, more and more couples decide not to have children and dedicate their lives to being with this or other people. The characteristics of this family structure are the following.

  • They have more income
  • They are more independent
  • Greater freedom
  • They often feel isolated when their friends or family start having children

5. Adoptive family

These family models It is a family made up of two different ones. This situation usually occurs when two divorced parents with one or more children mix and merge into a new family structure. The blended family has the following advantages and disadvantages.

  • Strong bonds can be formed with people who are not blood family
  • More income than a single-parent or separated family
  • Sometimes there may be problems in relationships between new members

6. Family of grandparents

Another of the different types of families that can currently occur are those in which grandparents live with their grandchildren without the parents. The reason may be due to a problem of violence or delinquency on the part of the parents or simply their absence from the responsibility of having a child. Its main characteristics are the following.

  • Grandparents and grandchildren form a close bond
  • Prevents children from ending up in foster care
  • Grandparents may have income or health problems

Are there toxic families?

Toxic family types

Besides Types of family that may exist in society, there are also some signs that indicate that we are facing a toxic attitude within our relationships with our relatives. Mainly we can identify the following.

1. Families in uniform

They are those in which the paternal role is absolutist and authoritarian. Thus, the rest of the family is submitted in a certain way to the father and the interaction that exists in the family It is rigid and unsatisfactory, since it is imposed and not consensual. Generally there is a lack of a sense of freedom and excess of rules in addition to communication problems with the children, especially on an emotional level, although there can be communication problems in many aspects and there tends to be little family unity and repression when it comes to facing problems. . There is a great hierarchy between the father, who is the top of the pyramid, and the rest of the members. This toxicity can occur both in a homoparental family and in other types of families or family models that we have seen in this article.

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2. Isolated families

The members of the family They function in an isolated, distant and rigid manner. Everyone goes on their own and consequently, there is no cohesion or group identity. As everyone lives their own life, norms and values ​​are unimportant, they inhibit the problems that may appear, each member has their own values ​​and communication is also empty on an emotional and affective level. On many occasions these relationships, which are emotionally non-existent, perhaps would not fall within the definition of family if it were not only for the blood relationship that exists between its members.

3. Grouped families

This kind of family It seems to be held together with glue. They usually have individuation difficulties and generally the maternal role is the one that prevails with a tendency to overprotect the children while the paternal role takes a backseat and can be considered weakened. Affective and emotional communication is common and in fact, this type of communication is prioritized in a way that can affect the individuality and identity of each member. They tend to deny the problems that appear and the family relationship is as if they were a clan; as extremities of the same body and therefore, they usually have difficulty assimilating what is new since they experience it as something strange. Thus, they prioritize the family so much that they do not resort to the social area when it would be necessary.

Although there is no family of 10 Since no one is perfect, the reality is that these types of families can wreak a lot of havoc on the personality of each of their members. Therefore, families who identify with these attitudes require the help of a mental health professional.

What is the type of family with the healthiest attitude?

It seems evident that the ideal family model is that of integrated family In this type of family there is flexibility in roles and the relationship is more stable and comfortable. There is good communication, so they are able to contain and face the problems that arise as well as express and reflect. Communication is free on an emotional and affective level and importance is given to each of the family members. Therefore, there is usually a great sense of group cohesion. In the rest of the models there are usually difficulties in communication, problem solving and roles that are either very marked or very lax.

How do the types of toxic families affect you emotionally?

How does belonging to types of toxic families affect you emotionally?

As we see the family concept has evolved a lot in recent years. In each of them, when the family structure or family models have a toxic base, there is much damage to the people who belong to them.

  • Intimate or superficial social relationships

Parents are usually considered friends, and therefore, they do not need as much intimacy in friendship. That does not mean that they are unsociable people, they can be very open when it comes to meeting people, but it does mean that they may have reservations or certain limitations when it comes to becoming more intimate with someone. They already have their friends in the family and they know they don’t need more.

  • Relationships with conflicts

The relationship can be idyllic, have similar values, share hobbies and enjoy time together. The problem is that the relationship is not two, but at least four. People who belong to united families cannot conceive of routine without parents, so problems may arise in the couple due to the time dedicated to the family of origin. Thus, conflicts are common because weekends are mainly used for family activities and little to couple activities or when children appear, grandparents stick like limpets and do not allow parents to do their job without interference or multiple pieces of advice.

  • Low self-esteem and difficulty solving problems

People who are part of a united family are usually used to being a clan. Therefore, if someone has a difficulty, it is denied that it exists and another member resolves it. This would not be a problem if everything were done in family, but it turns out that we don’t go everywhere with our parents. So when the person is at work (for example) and has a difficulty, they may be overwhelmed by not feeling capable of solving the problem. In this way, they tend to be people dependent on others; They look for someone to solve their problem and make little effort to improve.

  • Fear of loneliness and death of parents

These fears usually lead to the problem that it is difficult for them to become independent and if they do, they spend more time at their parents’ house than at their own home. In addition, this person tends to fill free time spaces with people and usually has difficulties being alone at home, causing fears such as robberies or constantly checking that parents are okay through phone calls.

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What to do if you have one of the toxic family types?

It is necessary to work on self-esteem, individuality and problem-solving skills on one’s own. Regarding the relationship, it is necessary to open your mind and understand that perhaps the person who will accompany you in life does not think the same as you and you have to be flexible to accept that he or she does not want to spend all the time with your parents. It’s about reaching middle ground and striving to do things for yourself and with your partner. After all, the parents will not be there at some point. On the other hand, we must work on those fears of being alone by learning to enjoy solitude and the death of loved ones, since we must accept that sooner or later this will happen.

If you are not able to work on all these aspects on your own, the support of a psychological therapy can help you improve your situation. The basis of any happiness with others is in our family structure