The Sexual Revolution Of Women

Sex is not what it seems, it is much more. You can’t allow anyone to downplay its importance. Don’t settle!

How to enjoy good sexuality?

Practicing sex is not the same as enjoying it

Sometimes, we tend to classify the quality of our sexual relationships as something secondary, we tend to worry more about the quality of our work, the quality of our social relationships with our friends, family and we do not realize that give up a good sex life It is giving up a very important part of ourselves.

This blog entry is especially aimed at better understanding female sexuality, which is known more than it should be and this is fruit of a patriarchal culture or education, where the important thing was the man, the woman was always at his service and if she enjoyed it, it was something vulgar. In fact, parents usually encourage their sons to have a good time, but… Does the same thing happen when those parents have a daughter?

Surely the following phrases are going to be familiar to you and we want you to respond and reflect on them:

  • Why are you more concerned about pleasure of your partner than your own?
  • Because you can talk about the sexual act And talking about masturbation makes you blush?
  • Why do you think that if men sleep with whoever they want are envied And if you do it, are you an easy girl?
  • Why do you keep wondering if you are clitoral or vaginal?
  • Women have never been educated to enjoy sex Or do you?
  • Do you think that you really and freely enjoy your sexuality or are some prejudices bothering you?
  • Why do you criticize the woman who enjoy 100% of your sexuality? Am I myself sexually sexist?
  • Have own ideas related to sex, or ideas that your family, friends, etc. have instilled in you?
  • Do you have the right to enjoy your body already put your wishes into practice?
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How to enjoy a good sex life?

Only you are responsible for your sexual life, you cannot expect a man to open the door of pleasure for you, you must learn to decide and demand what pleasure you want and how you want it, since our sexuality is our responsibility and no one else’s. We must not get carried away by the rules imposed on us by the sexually sexist society, we must follow sex according to our own principles. It’s time to change the submissive mentality.

Must find out our own body and what sensations it produces in us to know what makes us enjoy it more intensely. Did you know that if this is carried out, men would also win? They don’t do so well either and no woman usually tells them what we really like for fear of embarrassing them or questioning their virility, and a note: “They are not born knowing, we have to teach them.” They don’t hesitate to tell us or ask us what they want. Why don’t you do it if it’s the same?

Too many prejudices, too many insecurities So there is no woman who can enjoy it! Something very important to keep in mind is that the implanted sexual model is aimed mainly at male pleasure, since intercourse (the most commonly used sexual act) does not guarantee pleasure in women, in fact, 75% of women do not achieve an orgasm during this act, because there is no such direct stimulation of the clitoris. The remaining 25% have orgasms during intercourse due to direct stimulation (he or she touching the clitoris) or indirect stimulation (through a coital position that allows pressure or rubbing of the clitoris). It seems incredible that 95% of the time the sexual act ends in intercourse despite it not being the most effective practice for women to enjoy.

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Having explained this, we must clarify that sex does not end only in intercourse, we tend to think that if it doesn’t end like this, there has been no sexual relationship or it is not complete enough. Sex is any practice that gives us pleasure and there is a wide variety of different acts that we can enjoy. If we really understood this, sex would be much more fun, different, so we would want it more often (something that many men complain about) since what we want is not not to enjoy, what we don’t want It is the same as always, that routine prevailing by the male model.

The keys to enjoying good sexuality

Why not play and kill other acts? Why call it foreplay if it can be the act itself without anything else behind it? Wouldn’t the woman enjoy it much more this way? If you think about this, you will realize that if women enjoyed sex more, we would practice it more. Another controversial topic for women in sexual relations is that when the man ends up reaching orgasm, what happens to her? The normal thing is that she is left with the desire for it since he assumes that he does not need it and she does not dare to ask for it. If she were the other way around, what would happen to him? Can you imagine a situation in which we reached orgasm and came away saying: “He’s been fine, see you tomorrow”? What does that sound ridiculous? This not only reduces the desire for sex on a future occasion, but also generates frustration and irritability. In addition, if an excited woman does not reach orgasm, she suffers from pelvic congestion where she feels discomfort, heaviness and in some cases, pain during subsequent intercourse. causing depression or anxiety, in addition to reducing sexual desire since any behavior we perform, if it is not rewarded, ends up displeasing.

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In conclusion, we can say that women have always been educated to be good wives, mothers or perfect housewives but not to enjoy our sexuality, which is why society still has many prejudices to get rid of. We cannot continue with these sexist norms. Sex is not only practicing it, it is also enjoying it, and it can be enjoyed in many ways and none is better than the others, not even intercourse. Stop criticize women who have already gotten rid (thank God) of their taboos, get to know yourself, explore yourself, enjoy your desires and fantasies, learn to ask for what you like and not repress what you dislike (your partner doesn’t know how to read minds). Good sex isn’t something that just happens, you have to look for it!