Human Development Seeks To Improve The Quality Of Life

Do you want to find the keys to improve your quality of life? Discover the secrets to be able to live happier.

How to improve our quality of life?

Human development seeks to improve the quality of life. Along the way, there has been progress. But at the same time, by wanting to achieve them, he has managed to deteriorate the being, introducing him into a field of stress, overwhelm and restlessness (physical and mental); attracting negative consequences on him, leaving deep silences in our hearts.

How to improve our quality of life?

The trajectory of our lives sometimes blinds us and seems heavy and even costly. Therefore, people have to detect when these circumstances happen to us; and we must learn to react by being compassionate with our own body. The body will do everything we demand of it, even if that may seem impossible and unattainable He will never disobey and will always respond by following orders.

stand up to think and reflect How many functions does your body perform? In just a few seconds you will be truly surprised. Miracle or mystery? Both are solutions. The body needs to be loved in the depth of its functioning, and if we were able to enter the depths of its ins and outs, it would be wonderful!

Unfortunately, life today is not so satisfying for our body and mind. And I dare to ask a question; What do we worry about? By chance, fears and insecurities? Education, crisis, politics and work? Family life and relationship problems? About our children, a home and a future? All these questions arise when asking around us with total naturalness and normality However, none of these lead us to a solution, at least not to a solution to the real problem, which in our humble opinion is the ignorance of one’s own consciousness. And those questions wouldn’t be of much use if we weren’t living beings. Alive! That’s the concept. We are alive thanks to the wonderful functioning of our body that keeps us in a state of continuous homeostasis, or at least that is what it seeks.

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What happens if the balance is unbalanced?

The answer to these questions makes, first of all, that all the questions that we normally ask ourselves go to the background. What is truly important is that we find ourselves in the world here and now, therefore, we have the right and obligation to be fully aware of it and therefore, to enjoy it. When you take that time to reflect about what we are proposing, without realizing it you will have discovered your own body, you will have made peace with your consciousness, thus filling your valuable sanctuary and you will enjoy the true story of a single life.

We need a better and healthier body, to be more aware and alert. We need all kinds of luxuries and well-being. Thus, full awareness of our body inevitably includes our mind. Because they go together, they are a unit and they are not two things that should be separated. In fact, most of our problems are psychosomatic They have two faces, and therefore, they can be resolved in two different ways; through our mind or through our body.

Currently the theories have been divided (physiologists, Pavlovians, behavioral psychologists…) believe that all problems belong to the body. And on the opposite side is the group that believes that all problems are in the mind In our opinion, both positions are wrong. As guidance we can communicate that body and mind are two parts of a whole that to be in harmony need to be in complete balance. And that is why, as an example, we can say: if we drink alcohol, what happens to our mind? However, it is the body that drinks alcohol and not our mind.

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Keys to improve our quality of life

Let’s look at another example, but this time, we will take as a basis a theory from the 20th century, formulated by scientists William James and Lange. The normal thing to do when we are afraid is to perform flight behaviors and if you get angry, the normal thing is that feelings of anger invade us, so that our eyes become red and we can even hit our enemy. The theory of these two authors shows that the process It is just the opposite, that is, it is when running that you begin to feel fear and when you feel anger, when your eyes turn red and you perform aggressive behaviors. This question goes hand in hand with the typical and topical question: who came first: the chicken or the egg? However in this case, it seems that the James-Lange theory has been put into practice and it has worked.

We have an example of this implementation in Japan. Here the children are taught a very simple method to control his anger. They tell them that when they feel anger, not to do anything about it and just take a deep breath. Try it, you’ll see if you’re able to feel it. Why? Just because you take a deep breath? No, it’s just impossible for two reasons. One, because by breathing deeply you change the rhythm of your breathing and anger needs a greater rhythm to feed itself. The other is because by doing it you achieve a shift of the mind to the control of breathing. Physiological processes and psychological processes are not two different things, they are one and the same, and that is why you can start from either end and manage to affect and change the other.

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