Adele’s 70 Best Phrases

Adele Quotes

Adele, whose real name is Adele Laurie Blue Adkins, has stolen our sighs, tears and nights of relief in karaoke, thanks to her sentimental pop ballad songs. In them she shows us a little of her life, with which many of us manage to empathize and identify.

But if you are interested in knowing more about the life philosophy of this British singer, keep reading; here you will find a compilation of Adele’s best phrases commented.

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Adele’s most memorable phrases

Adele is a singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist whose artistic talent has earned her several awards, including the Brit Awards, Grammys, Billboard, a Golden Globe and an Oscars. She has left us a lot of emotional lyrics and teachings about self-improvement that we will enjoy below in this selection of Adele phrases.

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1. I don’t make music for the eyes. I make music for the ears.

A music to delight and identify us.

2. I have insecurities, of course, but I don’t hang out with someone who reminds me of my flaws.

Stay with those who help you improve and leave aside the people who harm you.

3. It doesn’t matter, I’ll find someone like you.

Even if you don’t experience the same love, you can always love again.

4. When will I see you again? You left without saying goodbye, not a single word you said to me.

The bitter taste that remains after a person leaves without saying goodbye.

5. However far away I will always love you, no matter how long I stay I will always love you.

A promise of love that transcends distance.

6. I think it’s important that you don’t think you’re important. Because when you get to that point, you damage everything. You’re going to think that everyone is going to think you’re important all the time, and that’s rubbish.

In the world of fame, artists must be careful not to let fame go to their heads.

7. I wrote about heartbreak on my first album. I didn’t mean to, but I did it.

Heartbreak is his great musical muse.

8. My life is full of drama, and I don’t have time to worry about something as petty as what I look like.

Adele has never been interested in putting a lot of work into her physical appearance.

9. I just want to make music, I don’t want people talking about me. All I’ve ever wanted to do is sing.

A dilemma that many musicians have. The price of fame for doing what they love.

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10. I’ve never looked at magazine covers and music videos and thought ‘I want to look like this if I want to be successful.’

People’s physical appearance should have nothing to do with their success.

Adele Quotes

11. I don’t let body image issues dominate my life.

Don’t waste time trying to please social standards.

12. I don’t need to stand out, there is room for everyone.

Demonstrating that you don’t need to step on others to be able to do what you want.

13. I doubt I’ll sing forever, because at some point people won’t want to listen to my music, and I hope I still have the opportunity to write songs.

Everything that begins must have an end.

14. Heartbreak can definitely give you a deeper sensitivity for songwriting.

Melancholic feelings have always been a great artistic inspiration.

15. I’m like Johnny Cash. I only wear black.

Talking about her passion for black clothing.

16. You and me together, nothing gets better.

Not all relationships are beneficial, even if there is love involved.

17. Stop looking at me so I can leave. I feel too embarrassed to do it if you’re watching me.

When something must end, it is better to face it than to run away.

18. I am a 33-year-old divorced woman with a son who is actually in charge.

Giving your child a say in action.

19. I am so grateful to be a woman that I wouldn’t change it for the world. However, I hope that I am not only defined by my gender.

No person should be held to ‘gender role’ standards.

20. I was adopting an Ethiopian child, that is not true. My house was haunted, that wasn’t true. God, there have been so many rumors.

Talking about all the strange and false rumors that are created about her.

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21. If a man whistles at you, don’t respond. You are a lady, not a dog.

Everyone must respect others.

22. I used to love the drama of it all, but now I’m a mom and I don’t have much space in my head.

Now having new priorities to focus on.

23. I will never write a breakup album again, by the way. I’m done being a bitter witch.

Wanting to give a drastic turn to its musical essence.

24. Learn to accept that sometimes things just don’t work out.

There are fights that cannot be won and it is better to withdraw.

25. I don’t drink anymore, but when Twitter started, I texted drunk and screwed up a few times.

We tend to do stupid things when we are drunk.

26. You have to give priority to what you worry about when you have a child.

We need to solve our personal problems before dedicating ourselves to someone else.

27. I like to look good, but I always put comfort over fashion.

The fashion that follows is to be good with yourself.

28. Being told how to look is like being a product, and I don’t want to be a product.

Fighting stereotypes within the music industry.

29. Even when I was signing (a contract), most in the industry knew that if anyone dared to ask me (to lose weight), they wouldn’t work with me.

Leaving a precedent about differentiating the personal aspect of talent.

30. There is reality in my songs and that is why people can recognize themselves in them.

Telling a little about his own experiences in his songs.

31. I was wondering if after all these years you would like to meet up.

Loves that even if they end, there is hope of returning to them.

32. In songs I can still be very very direct, but in interviews, when I explain my songs, I should not be so direct about who they are.

It is one thing to explain the context of the songs and another to reveal who inspired them.

33. Be brave and don’t be afraid to know that even if you make a wrong decision, you do it for a good reason.

All our decisions are important, because they are what make us grow.

34. I don’t write songs about a specific, elusive thing.

Making songs about various topics in his life.

35. I heard your dreams came true. I imagine that she gave you everything that I couldn’t give you.

The happiness of who we love is not always at our side.

36. This is how I know I’ve written a good song for myself… That’s when I start to cry.

The way to evaluate when a song is excellent.

37. Wake me up, wake me up when it’s all over, I won’t get up until this battle is won.

Every fight needs our effort. If you do nothing, you will achieve nothing.

38. I am a big, loud woman and I think I have a great personality. I walk into a room and don’t go unnoticed.

The perception she had of herself when she had her extra kilos.

39. I am daring. I have guts. I’m not afraid of anyone. I think that’s what makes me powerful.

Being brave to dare everything you need in your career.

40. I don’t find thin girls attractive; be happy and healthy. I’ve never had a problem with my appearance.

Modeling has to change to a healthier appearance, rather than extreme thinness.

41. I have never been more normal than I am now.

Assuring that fame has not changed her.

42. I love being famous for my songs, but I don’t like being in the public eye.

A state that many artists seek in their professional life.

43. People think I hate being famous, and that’s not the case, I’m scared of fame, I think it’s really toxic.

Fame has a meaningless price. A false right for others to attack artists.

44. You learn to love every time you fall in love again.

That’s why you shouldn’t close yourself off to love.

45. I have been surprised by the impact on my physique, I have never been worried about sizes or clothes.

Why should physical appearance be so important for artists?

46. ​​Sometimes my songs wander a little and are not always coherent.

It’s the way emotions would speak if they had a voice.

47. I don’t like going to the gym. I like to eat well and drink good wine.

The gym has never been his favorite place.

48. If I am constantly working, my relationships fail.

A break is always necessary to enjoy your personal life.

49. Whatever women do, they must do it twice as well as men to be considered half as good. Fortunately, this is not difficult.

The world is a constant challenge for women.

50. I hope to be defined by my contribution to the world, by my capacity to love and my empathy.

The things you want to be recognized for.

51. This is a story without an end, we have been here before. But this time I can’t stay because I don’t love you anymore.

If a relationship is not working, it is better to end it, rather than continue hurting people.

52. The way I write my songs is that I have to believe in what I write, and that’s why they always end up being so personal.

Explaining what your creative process is like.

53. When I’m happy, I don’t write songs, I go out and laugh, I’m in love. I wouldn’t have time.

Happiness does not always become your inspiration to create.

54. I drew on a lot of heartbreak when I was writing my first album, I didn’t mean to but I just did it.

Feeling the need to express himself with his music.

55. It depends on the type of artist you want to be, but I don’t want my name around another brand.

Talking about excessive sponsorships within the industry.

56. Although I haven’t built a niche yet, I’m just writing love songs.

Adele is especially recognized for her romantic songs.

57. There is only one like you, so why would you want to look like everyone else?

Improve yourself and don’t seek to imitate someone else.

58. There are bigger problems in the world than how I feel about myself and things like that.

His lack of interest in his personal appearance is based on giving a message about focusing on his talent, instead of his figure.

59. I love hearing my audience breathe.

Loving concerts with his audience.

60. I don’t want to be a celebrity. I don’t want to be in people’s faces, constantly on magazine covers that I don’t even know I’m on.

About the excessive exposure that artists undergo.

61. Sometimes you have to allow yourself to be sad in order to move on.

Sadness must also be experienced for ideal mental health.

62. On record, I can be quite dark, but in real life I am very carefree.

His two personal sides, on stage and in his private life.

63. The scars of your love remind me of us, they make me think that we almost had it all.

Relationships can end at any time.

64. If I ever get married, it will be ‘Honey, I need a divorce, it’s been three years, I have a record to write!’

Joking about the situations that inspire her the most.

65. I’m like the opposite of one of those comedians who is funny on stage and depressed behind closed doors.

Although her songs are melancholic, that is not Adele’s mood.

66. I don’t think sadness is always devastating. Sometimes it can also fill you up and bring joy.

Sadness is just another feeling and deserves to be experienced.

67. Why would you want to have the same hairstyle as everyone else and have the same opinions as everyone else?

Isn’t it better to highlight our individuality than to be one of the crowd?

68. I think it’s embarrassing when you sell out.

Moving away from the business side of fame.

69. I’m British, we don’t have that thing about having to earn more and more all the time.

About the conformism of a quiet life that the English have.

70. Life is much easier when we don’t dwell on the past.

The past can become a heavy chain if you don’t let go.