Am I Introverted And Extroverted? 7 Signs That You Are Ambiverted

What does it mean to be ambiverted? Do you not feel identified with introversion or extroversion? Discover the personality spectrum of ambiversion and how to know if you’re like that.

What does it mean to be ambiverted?

Don’t you identify yourself as extrovert or introvert? There are many people who consider themselves extroverts or introverts. But, in addition to these two personality traits, a person can also be ambiverted, that is, be in the middle of these two spectrums. But what does ambiversion imply?

What is an ambivert?

A ambivert is a person who presents both the qualities of an extrovert and an introvert, and may present characteristics of these two personality traits depending on their mood, context, and goals.

For example, ambiversion It implies not having problems listening or speaking with others, nor having a preference between social activities or being alone. In fact, an ambivert can change his/her individual needs at any time or situation.

The first to refer to the terms of extrovert and introvert It was the psychiatrist Carl Jung, although at first no name was given to those who fell in between the two personality types.

The first to master that there was ambiversion It was Kimball Young in the 1920s. In fact, it is currently considered that all people can enter into ambiversion at some point or another in our lives. Although we are probably assigned to be extroverted or introverted on personality tests, the reality is that we are all somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.

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Am I an introvert and extrovert?

A ambivert It is also usually called in the following ways:

  • Extroverted introverts: exist introverts They can behave like extroverts in certain situations, whether with certain people or when it is absolutely necessary to socialize with others.
  • Antisocial extroverts: Sometimes people with ambiversion They are also considered extroverts who need time to recharge before socializing, or who like to be alone more than typical extroverts.
  • Social introverts: It has also been called a ambivert as an introvert who accesses extroversion when necessary.

Am I introverted or extroverted?

Am I ambiverted?

There are a series of signs that can help you know if you are really within the ambiversion spectrum:

  1. You do not identify as an extrovert or introvert: People who are into ambiversion may not identify with many of the characteristics of a person. introvert and an extrovert If you have trouble putting one of these two labels on yourself, this is a sign that you might be an ambivert. In fact, those who are part of this spectrum tend to have qualities of both introverts and extroverts, such as enjoying time alone, being a good listener, or loving spending time with others.
  2. You need time for yourself and social time: To the be ambiverted You can become energized both by being around other people, as extroverts do, and by spending time alone, as introverts do. In fact, our personality changes over time. In some cases you may have phases in which you require a lot of time alone or periods of time in which you wanted to be in social gatherings all the time.
  3. You like to work both in a team and alone: The ambiversion It has a lot to do with balance. So much so that people who are neither extroverted nor introverted often see the value of both doing things on their own and doing them in a group.
  4. Spending a lot of time alone or in a group is exhausting: Both spending time alone and too much time with others can be exhausting for a person. ambivert In these cases, balance is the key.
  5. They appreciate good conversations and silences: Usually the extroverts They have the tendency to be talkative. On the other hand, introverts tend to be good listeners. When we talk about an ambivert, this is mixed: they can be good conversationalists and be comfortable with silence.
  6. You don’t mind small talk or deep conversations: Introverts are known for hating the most trivial conversations, that is, those whose content is the weather and what you did today. On the other hand, extroverts tend to be talkative and love to talk about everything. The ambiverts They tend to adapt to all types of conversations.
  7. You have many friends and a handful of close friends: Extroverts are usually people who tend to have many friends, while introverts usually have a handful of close friends with whom they spend time. A ambivert He has both: a huge network of friends, as well as a smaller group of friends that he’s actually intimate with.
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Benefits of ambiversion

Benefits and disadvantages of being an ambivert

If you identify with ambiversion it is normal for you to wonder what can be good or bad about being on this personality spectrum.

Benefits of being an ambivert

  • Better relationships with others: By being able to enjoy time alone and with others, an ambivert You tend to develop deeper bonds with others as well as meet more people. This means having a better social life.
  • Leadership: A study published in Harvard Business Review examined that the best leaders were those who displayed traits of introvert and extrovert Therefore, ambiverts tend to have better leadership traits.

Disadvantages of being an ambivert

  • emotional exhaustion: Maintaining a good balance between a full social life and solitude or personal intimacy can be exhausting because we often have little time for ourselves.

Knowing your personality is one of the first steps to having good mental health. Therefore, if you have not delved deeper into yourself, it is advisable to work with a professional psychologist. Knowing who you are will make it easier for you to live a fuller life.