Gambling Addiction Is Not A Game

Gambling addiction is not a game

No, it is not, and in Seville we know it well. There are many people who suffer from gambling addiction, that is, people who suffer from a gambling addiction that can cost them dearly in all aspects of their life.

As with all addictions, Being addicted to gambling requires treatment and therapy adapted to the needs of each person and it is in this case that Fromm Bienestar has been acting and working with people with gambling addiction in Seville for years.

What is gambling addiction? What does it consist of?

If we had to define gambling addiction, we would say that it is an alteration that occurs progressively and continuously in a person’s behavior. The alteration is due to the fact that he feels a need to play that he cannot control As we say, problem gambling is an addiction, but luckily, it can be treated.

Gambling addiction is a disease recognized not only by the Ministry of Health, but also by the World Health Organization and the American Psychiatric Association. We only provide this information so that you can get an idea of ​​the magnitude of problem gambling.

This disease has very important consequences, like any other addiction, since It is capable of overriding a person’s will and making them lose their sense of responsibility the one that would lead him to not let himself be carried away by that compulsive behavior.

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And the fact is that, today, gambling and problem gambling is a psychopathological problem that a significant number of citizens suffer from.

Furthermore, pathological gambling or gambling not only influences the behavior and affects the life of the person who suffers from it, but also those who are by their side.

It is for this reason that a treatment for gambling addiction must be adequate and comprehensive. It is essential to have a qualified team of professionals, but the player also needs to have a family and friends environment to rely on. Believe it or not, the treatment of gambling addiction must include all areas of the patient’s life, from a biopsychosocial perspective.

Gambling addiction is not a “vice”

Gambling is something accepted in society as a distraction something to occupy leisure time, when in reality, they can create many problems in the mental health of those who play.

We see a contradiction here, since gambling is allowed, but not for minors, so it is already becoming clear that it is something that can harm the person.

When a gambler admits his illness, the first thing is to blame him, since gambling is a vice that can be quit, like smoking. It isn’t true. It’s an addiction.

How does someone become addicted to gambling?

First of all, we must point out that It is possible to be addicted to gambling recurrently or continuously, that is, if it is only punctually or continuously. This fact does not explain the patient’s degree of addiction.

Usually, the person starts playing with other people by gambling from time to time, going to bingo even with slot machines. In any case, people do not identify this practice as something dangerous, so they continue doing it as a form of entertainment.

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The transition to gambling as a habitual behavior occurs over a period of time that ranges between approximately two and five months, and when they enter this phase, they will have the illusion that it is something they can perfectly control.

Nevertheless, Playing regularly will make them think differently about betting and other games than they would if they didn’t play For example, a player will spend more money each time and it will not seem like he is doing anything wrong. However, this will affect his personal relationships, since he will have to hide the fact that he is spending that amount of money.

On the other hand, this behavior derived from gambling makes him constantly worried about the fact that he may be discovered, or because he feels that he must play to recover everything he lost, and all of this will continue to weigh down the person. He will put in the effort and try not to gamble to prove to himself that he is not an addict, but sooner or later he will relapse, and he will do so even harder because of his own frustration.

Are you looking for therapy to overcome problem gambling in Seville?

Fromm Wellness

From Fromm Wellness We recommend that, if you know someone or you yourself feel that you need help with your gambling addiction, look for an ally that you can trust and that you know will provide you with the help you really need. If you are interested in knowing how we work in our therapy center, access this page.

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