How To Transcend Suffering? 7 Psychological Tips To Overcome It

Do you know that emotional suffering is vital to being able to fully enjoy happiness? Discover what suffering consists of and how you can overcome it in the best possible way.

What is suffering? How can we control it?

He suffering It is part of our lives. So much so that a life without pain is more than impossible. Despite this, suffering also has a positive side if you know how to balance it with other aspects. On the other hand, the circumstances of the past can make us feel that we are trapped in suffering, but it is in our hands to change the present.

Sometimes, it is inevitable to find ourselves surrounded by negativity and we unintentionally become conditioned by it. We are human and we have the need to connect with others. The importance of detecting these situations and those people is key, it is not worth condemning existence to suffering the years go by quickly and there are many things that need to be known.

It is just one more test or challenge that must be overcome and although messages of optimism alone are not worth it, they are necessary to change the patterns we have in our small world, to continue living with hope, to continue holding on, to continue changing and getting out of what many would consider an abyss.

What is suffering?

Two exists types of suffering that we can suffer. The physical, which can be preceded by pain, aging, deterioration or injuries, and on the other hand, emotional suffering is related to sadness, loneliness and frustration.

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He physical suffering It cannot be solved, but when it comes to the psychological part of the pain, there are some tools that we can use to try to reduce or avoid it. In these cases it is essential to control the mind so that it does not go against us.

The pressure of difficult situations tests what our real abilities are, the moment we cannot cope with a situation, our insecurities and fear arise. It is fear and the feeling of ineffectiveness that makes us feel insecure, that makes us aggressive, that makes us channel our emotions into people who don’t deserve it. The anxiety that the continuous lack of dissatisfaction produces in us makes us imagine a reality that does not exist, we perceive a dark world where constant uncertainty threatens us and where the suffering It is the definition of our life.

How to combat suffering?

How to combat emotional suffering?

The meaning of suffering In our lives it is precisely to see what is going wrong and try to make sure we can change it. But when suffering becomes recurrent in our daily lives, this can lead to mental illness. When you feel that life is constant pain, it is vital to have the help of a professional psychologist. In many cases, the following tips can help you combat suffering.

1. Accept that it is something natural

Sometimes we have the idea that the suffering It only happens to people who are not in good mental health. The reality is that we can hear phrases of pain and suffering in anyone. Having a bad time is completely normal and we must naturalize it so as not to suffer more than we should.

2. Stop wallowing in pain

If we believe that we are entitled to a life of comfort, then a life that consists of suffering is simply unfair, and who likes an unjust world? But if we believe that life is about growth and that growth involves a certain degree of pain and suffering, then there is nothing unfair about it. In this way, when we suffer the emotional feeling we can have a more proactive attitude and stop wallowing in our negative thoughts.

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3. Appreciate what you have

If life were comfortable 24/7, we wouldn’t be able to appreciate the moments of comfort. There would be nothing to compare comfort to. This is analogous to a marathon runner. If there were not suffering When running a marathon, there would be no comfort, and certainly no sense of accomplishment, in crossing the finish line. Climbers voluntarily endure excruciating suffering, often for weeks, in their attempt to reach the summit. They risk their lives, endure altitude sickness, bottomless crevasses and glaciers, mountain storms, snow blindness and sudden storms, all to experience the various moments of magnificent comfort and satisfaction that the mountaintop offers. In this way, suffering helps us appreciate everything we have since we have worked hard for it.

How to avoid the pain of emotional suffering?

4. Use it to evolve

We often think of suffering and happiness as exclusive. This could not be further from the truth. Often the greatest happiness is found in the suffering precisely because it is painful. Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Sitting Bull, to name just a few, endured great suffering at the hands of others. It is implausible to think that they did not experience happiness (and even pleasure) within the suffering they experienced knowing that they were achieving greatness and actualizing their potential (and the potential of their people) through the hardships they endured. These mythical characters used suffering to achieve their life goals.

5. Work with your self-esteem

In Western culture, there is a deeply held belief that any type of suffering, whether financial, physical, emotional, familial, etc., is a result of being “unworthy.” If we believe this to be true, then our suffering legitimate is aggravated by unnecessary suffering. Success and comfort are like wheels. Those who are above will one day be below and those who are below will one day be above. Please note that our suffering in no way reflects who we are as people. Often, worthy and decent people suffer while cruel and indecent people experience apparent comfort.

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6. Hone your willpower

Through suffering we can help ourselves improve our willpower. So much so that this feeling of pain can motivate us to continue in the perfect direction to reach our goals. The suffering It is the feeling that allows us to sound the alarm about what is failing and that we can improve to reach the top.

7. Be realistic

In many cases, people get carried away by perfectionism and set their goals in an unrealistic way. Having very high goals always makes us more likely to suffer failure and not be able to face our frustrations. In this way, to make emotional suffering be less, it is vital to try to put your feet on the ground and have a more realistic view of reality.

Even though that him human suffering It is one of the emotions and sensations that we refuse the most. But in reality, in order to be happy we must understand and accept these moments of pain.