Karezza Method: What It Is And How It Is Applied To Sexual Relations

Karezza Method

In recent years there has been a lot of talk about a method that has been recommended for those couples who want to experiment and enrich their sexual life, increasing pleasure and therefore fanning the flame of their relationship, and this is not another than what has been called the Karezza method.

The Karezza method could be defined as a sexual technique whose main objective is mutual stimulation between two people in a relaxed manner in order to prolong pleasure without trying to reach orgasm, thus being a type of erotic encounter that could help reinforce the emotional and affective bonds of a couple.

In this article we will see what the Karezza method is what benefits this method could bring, and some tips to put it into practice.

What is the Karezza method?

The Karezza method, whose origins date back to the 19th century, is a practice that has become very popular in recent years thanks to the dissemination of several authors. The word Karezza that gives its name to this method comes from the word carezza, which in Italian means caress, one of the foundations of this method being to focus attention on reciprocal stimulation by both members in a relaxed way and without trying to reach orgasm

Although this does not mean that orgasm should not be reached, since it is normal that sooner or later it will end up being achieved. However, what this method is trying to promote is the idea of ​​not having to focus on reaching orgasm as if it were the only goal, the main focus being other aspects such as those we will see below.

Characteristics of the Karezza method

The implementation of the Karezza method serves to prolong the pleasure experienced during intimate relationships through kisses and caresses or recognition through touch, with looks and verbal manifestations of each person’s desires towards their partner also being important, as well as through oral sex without intercourse being the main objective. Furthermore, in these cases, part of the objective is that both dedicate sufficient time, being of quality, to be hand to hand carrying out the aforementioned.

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Therefore, this method questions the orgasm or sexual climax as the final or most satisfying goal in sex, thus prioritizing other types of signs of attraction such as those we have just seen (e.g., kisses, caresses, etc.) in order to work on communication, trust, intimacy and also to prolong the pleasure in a couple when maintaining intimate relationships.

It should be noted that the Karezza method could help take the pressure off both members of a couple because they do not have to focus on reaching orgasm and, therefore, this would not be a concern they had in mind. In this case the ultimate goal would be mutual enjoyment, through communication, intimacy and the sharing of desires and fantasies without generating high expectations that could spoil the meeting.

What benefits could practicing this method have?

When it comes to a couple’s sexual life, usually the goal of both is quite clear: that they both reach orgasm. However, the trend of the Karezza method rejects this vision, since, as we have seen, it focuses on other things and it is thanks to this that it has become so popular, since it has revived the sexual lives of many couples.

We can find some benefits of practicing the Karezza method that could serve to explain the reason for its success.

1. It could help against some sexual dysfunctions

One of the most common problems in relationships is sexual dysfunction (e.g., premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction or vaginismus, among others), being triggered in many cases by the expectations generated by some people regarding sex, as well as by high demands.

Therefore, by putting the Karezza method into practice, some dysfunctions could be prevented because in this case the high expectations and demands due to various factors such as duration or reaching orgasm in any way, would be relegated to the background, with enjoyment being the main thing. mutual during the process without trying to reach an end.

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2. Increases the quality of sexual relations

Among the benefits of the Karezza method we can also find an increase in the quality of intimate encounters by be able to enjoy your partner more, achieve greater control of arousal and also the moment of reaching orgasm. Getting rid of worries such as having to last longer in bed or, on the other hand, having to reach orgasm, can lead to greater arousal and thus the sexual act is more pleasurable.

This method could be very useful For those couples who are stuck in a routine when it comes to their sex life In addition, it provides benefits for mental health, since while it is put into practice, oxytocin is released in the brain, a hormone that is closely related to love and that favors states of relaxation and calm.

3. Strengthen trust and intimacy between both members of the couple

As we have seen previously, one of the objectives of the Karezza method is to prioritize communication between the members of the couple and also the intimate connection, being necessary to reinforce trust and intimacy between both.

An aspect to take into account in this case would be the relearning of everything known to date regarding sex, since this method has quite different objectives from what is normally practiced, thus leaving aside everything that is supposed What should be done to focus on what we want to do and feel as individuals with and for our partner. It is also important to evolve mutually in the field of sexual relations in order to keep the flame alive and thus not fall into routine.

One of the keys is to stay in the “plateau phase”

According to the Masters and Johnson model of sex therapy lThe phases of the sexual response What both members of the couple usually go through during sex are fundamentally four:

During the practice of the Karezza method, the key is for both members to remain in that second phase which is what is known as the “plateau or maintenance phase”, in which the pleasure is prolonged.

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How to put it into practice?

Like any method, this also requires time, patience and enough practice to put it into practice effectively so that it provides some benefit to both members of the couple, so when trying it it is important to keep some tips in mind. like the ones we are going to present below.

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1. With dedication and taking the necessary time

The Karezza method, as we said, is a technique that requires dedication and sufficient time and, for this, Both partners should try to make themselves as comfortable as possible and try to stay relaxed It may be useful to take a few deep breaths before starting in order to remove or reduce as much as possible the nerves prior to meeting your partner.

On the other hand, some experts recommend that you practice this method for at least 3 weeks before discarding it if the first practices have not been as satisfactory as expected.

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2. Rushing is not good

It is very important to take the practice of this method calmly and for this the caresses, kisses and, of course, intercourse must be carried out slowly, without rushing, in order to have greater control of the excitement and, therefore, , of orgasm. For it, The movements carried out must be relaxed, undulating, wide and carried out slowly.

3. Verbal communication is not necessary; “non-verbal” matters more

It is not necessary to talk while putting it into practice, although it is not prohibited either. However, talking more than necessary could spoil the pleasure, so perhaps it is more important to focus on non-verbal communication expressed by the partner through gestures, looks, caresses, movements, demonstrate satisfaction with one’s own body etc.

4. You have to use your imagination

In the Karezza method, imagination is very important, since experimentation when trying new things when it comes to sex can enrich intimate relationships and increase pleasure, thus avoiding routine practices that could harm a woman’s sexual life. couple; especially when they have a long-term relationship.

In this sense, also Exploring the couple’s erogenous zones is essential to increase pleasure

5. It is advisable to maintain physical contact at all times

When putting this method into practice, it is essential to try to maintain physical contact at all times, which is very useful for increase communication and so that the couple feels even more united

To carry out this advice, it can be helpful for both members of the couple to remain embraced while caressing each other in the preliminary part, as well as during intercourse.