Listen To Your Fear

How to increase self-confidence? Listening to our fears. What are they for? Why do they appear?

Keys to face our fears

The trust us themselves is the key to starting a new project that involves making important decisions. However, that security is judged by our own person asking ourselves questions from the emotion of fear: “and if I I’m wrong”? and “what if I don’t get it?”…

The security It can be worked on in ourselves. Just because in a previous similar situation we did not achieve our objective does not mean that it will be reproduced in the present or in the future in the same way, since the situation now is different even if it seems similar.

How to increase our confidence?

There are different activities that we can do to increase our confidence some of them are:

1. Appreciate what you have

make a appreciation exercise wherever you are, for example, sit in your room and observe everything around you, the photos, your books… and enjoy that feeling of security and tranquility that that space gives you.

2. Become aware of your independence

take a time to think about situations, people, places, activities that you have allowed to happen and you have felt free. At that moment you will become aware of your independence as a person and that you are the one who decides what is and what is not in your life.

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How to face our fears

3. Reflect on your takeovers

Reflect about moments of your life in which you made a decision taking control of your life and then describe how you felt.

You will realize that there have been many situations in your life where you have been in a similar way to how you feel now and you will remember what you experienced once you achieved it.

Why does fear arise?

Fear is a positive reaction, since it protects us and makes us survive; However, fear is adjustable and questionable. Just because the emotion appears doesn’t mean you should give up, listen to it, what is it warning you about? Ask yourself why these questions arise; They are probably positive and make you reevaluate the situation and improve it and thus come out successful in your decision-making. The psychologist can help you gain self-confidence and control the emotion of fear.