What Happens When A Manipulator Doesn’t Get What They Want? 9 Typical Attitudes

What does a manipulator do when he/she feels cornered? How do you know what a manipulative person will do when he doesn’t get what he wants? Discover their way of reacting to it.

when a manipulator doesn't get what he wants

All of us have been victims of manipulation at some point in our lives, whether consciously or not. However, there are people who have a tendency to manipulate others, harming everyone around them.

Normally, people who have a tendency to manipulate others tend to act in a cynical and unprincipled manner, trying to get the most out of the rest of those around them without caring about the feelings of others. In fact, manipulators tend not to care about the feelings of others, as they lack remorse and empathy.

Therefore, manipulative people often base their relationships on deception and lies, with the sole purpose of achieving their goals. These individuals tend to detect the weaknesses of others and take advantage of them, creating a dependency on them. These are very methodical people, who reflect in detail on each of their movements and the behaviors they perform to avoid being discovered by the people they intend to manipulate. But, sometimes, they don’t end up getting what they really want. So what happens?

When does a manipulator act when discovered?

In the same way as happens with other people, a manipulated person will act differently when they are discovered or their deceptions have been exposed. However, there are a series of patterns or behaviors that a person usually uses. cornered manipulator to try to redirect the situation towards your control:

  1. They quickly change their behavior: A manipulative woman or man often radically changes their way of behaving to divert attention from the person they are trying to manipulate. Additionally, they will use this change to make the other person think that everything has been a figment of her imagination.
  2. They will try to make the manipulated person feel guilty: When a manipulator doesn’t get what he wants, usually tries to make the person end up feeling guilty for having thought badly of him/her. That is, they will try to make sure that you feel that you owe them an apology or that you have to compensate them for the damage caused by your doubts.
  3. They will try to justify themselves by all possible means: exist phrases of manipulators that they will try to use to try to justify their behaviors and actions. Some of the most common are: ‘I’m not the only person who thinks or does it.‘, since through this ‘excuse’ they will try to reduce the responsibility of their actions and gain more credibility.
  4. They will turn the tables by playing victims: Victimhood is one of the most used tactics when a narcissist is discovered or when a manipulator is cornered Through this attitude, the person will seek to make the people who have revealed them end up feeling sorry for them, so that they understand that they are actually acting ‘justifiably’.
  5. They will act through anger: The manipulators will try to impose themselves on those who have discovered them in order to intimidate them, giving them more time to think and plan their future actions.
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These are some of the main attitudes that you can detect when a manipulator doesn’t get what he wants In many cases, a relationship with a person with this type of behavior can end up diminishing your self-esteem and your mental health. If you think that you cannot face these situations with manipulative people, it is important that you go to a professional psychologist before it ends up affecting you professionally and personally.

How a manipulator acts when he is discovered

What happens when you ignore a manipulator?

To know how to stop a manipulator, it is also important to detect the attitude they usually have when you ignore them:

  • They will try to remain impassive: One of the main attitudes that manipulators will have is to try to control their feelings and emotions as much as possible. In fact, manipulative people are often very conscious of their own body language and tone of voice, as they try to avoid showing signs of confusion, anger, or annoyance.
  • They will exceed your limits: When you start ignoring a manipulator, this one will try to go beyond your limits to overwhelm you or make you feel bad. Therefore, it is important to know how to say ‘no’ to these attitudes or behaviors.
  • Will use persuasion: By ignoring a manipulator, he/she will try to persuade you to agree with him/her or listen to him/her. The more you ignore them, the more they will play the victim and try to make you feel guilty for ‘leaving them’.
  • It will make you feel bad about yourself: Manipulative people often experience difficulty accepting responsibility for their actions, so they will try to make you feel bad about yourself.
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These are some of the most common attitudes that manipulators will use to try to get closer to you and use you for their means or ends. In this way, the best thing you can do when faced with their manipulation tactics is precisely to stay away from them and ignore them. In addition, having the help of other people, who are not under the influence of the manipulative person, will also be a good way to distance yourself from them.