Charismatic Person: How To Capture Attention Through Charisma?

Do you know that charisma is a skill that can be developed? Discover why charismatic people are able to capture attention and how to achieve a magnetic personality.

How to become a charismatic person?

Charisma is a personality trait that makes many people noticeably improve their image in front of others. So much so, that according to various studies, people prefer a charismatic leader qwith a convincing speech to get through difficult times.

It is for this precise reason that for decades psychologists have tried to reveal the mystery hidden behind a charismatic person These individuals are capable of affecting others, they can even effect completely radical transformations in others. Although at first it seems inconceivable, there are cases in which the influence of charismatic leadership is not done consciously.

A charismatic It can change the vision of an entire population, which is why this skill is often very valued among those individuals who want to stand out above others. So much so, that there are even psychologists or specialists who have created courses to improve this characteristic that we can all enhance.

What is charisma?

before knowing how to be charismatic and how to achieve this overwhelming personality sought by many, the important thing is to know what a charismatic person is. The key to improving this personality trait is to see some examples of charisma and how someone with this virtue behaves.

According to the German sociologist Max Weber, who was one of the first to study this term (although he did not define it as charisma), it can be seen that charisma and charismatic people have achieved their maximum effect in social aspects such as religion, politics and even in the arts. Even so, the effects that this trait has on the ways of thinking of others are a topic that entails many difficulties to study.
In Weber’s own words, charisma or the effects of a person with charisma They can be the following:

A certain quality of an individual personality, by virtue of which he is “set apart” from ordinary people and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional powers or qualities. These as such are not accessible to the common person, but are considered to be of divine origin or exemplary, and on the basis of them, the individual in question is treated as a leader.”

Despite the approach that this sociologist presents to us, the reality is that the charisma It is a personality trait that is very difficult to define.

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The origin of charisma

There are many theories about why charisma develops in some people and not in others, but the first to investigate it carefully were psychoanalytic authors. They consider that a charismatic person It originates from a small variation in the need that a baby manifests to interact with others. If the baby does not get the attention of her parents, there are some cases where he develops an exaggeration in order to achieve her goal. When these types of situations happen, it may result that in adult life she becomes a charismatic person who tries through her ability to be the center of attention of even an entire society. When this search is accompanied by natural gifts, the recipe for charisma is even more explosive.

In this way, many of these theories affirm that charismatic They arise when there is a deprivation of parental attention (whether due to a separation, their death or their lack of presence). Children or adolescents who suffer from this situation feel insecure, trying to compensate for this emotional handicap through some quality that is attractive enough to capture the attention of others.

Charisma and leadership

There are many of us who relate to one charismatic person with leadership capacity. Although popular beliefs (both through movies and books) show us this quality in the most influential people, the reality is that there are studies that show that having too much charisma can make leaders appear to have less ability to lead people. a group.

Popular wisdom has always made us believe that to lead you need to have a charismatic personality But certain research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology They point out that reality is not exactly as many of us imagine. This happens since having too much charisma It means that leaders, even though they have a lot of influence in front of others, end up being perceived with certain negative traits. An example of this is that if someone shows too much self-confidence, he can even make himself seem manipulative on the part of his subordinates. That is, many of the traits of a charismatic person, if taken to the extreme, can be counterproductive in influencing others. Although these studies show this fact, it is true that in many cases this rule is fulfilled. So much so that there are many famous personalities who come to mind with this trait in their character.

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Keys to being a charismatic person

How to be a charismatic person

If you have come this far, possibly one of the questions that is running through your head is whether everyone can become a charismatic person If we understand charisma as the ability to attract, charm and influence other people around you, the answer is a resounding yes. Although there are people who radiate an almost inexplicable magnetism in a completely natural way, there are common traits that can be trained to achieve the same effects.

  1. Trust: The confidence and charisma They go hand in hand. Having self-confidence does not mean that you have to be the most noticeable in a room or always seek the approval of others, but rather this characteristic is found through being yourself and seeking authenticity. A person with charisma knows how to trust himself and therefore knows how to make good decisions. Furthermore, they do not need the constant approval of others and avoid being indecisive.
  2. They gesture a lot: The body also has its own language. That is why the charismatic They tend to show wide movements to accompany their speech and sometimes even exceed their gesticulation. Furthermore, they always look for the gaze of their listeners to reaffirm each of their words.
  3. They are good storytellers: Knowing how to tell good stories is a byproduct of having self-confidence and gestures. That is why there are many charismatic who have the ability to be good storytellers. Furthermore, a person with charisma knows how to tell anecdotes and stories from the heart, without worrying about the public’s reaction or their possible loss of interest. This is how you can be more natural and, on the other hand, attract the attention of others even more.
  4. Mirror effect: Although many do it unconsciously or intuitively, one of the most common traits of charismatic people is that they reflect the body language of their interlocutors. This is known in psychology as the mirror effect, and it is the ability to reflect the facial expressions, intonations and gestures of others. This type of behavior always works to capture attention and create a bond with someone as it is based on the nature of human narcissism. Through this type of attitude the other participant in a conversation feels that you are in sync with them.
  5. They are positive: One of the most common traits of a charismatic person is the fact that they do not pay attention to negative events. On the contrary, they always try to bring out the positive side in all situations. That is why the charismatic people They end up attracting others through their spirit and the positive vibrations they always reflect towards others.
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These are the keys to develop a charisma that attracts others. But one of the secrets of any charismatic person is that they all have a good self-concept and self-esteem. It is for this reason that the secret to being able to have this magnetism also lies in enjoying good mental health. Taking care of yourself from the inside is also a way to guarantee your success in life.