12 Signs To Know How To Recognize A Psychopath

How to detect a psychopath? What behaviors do psychopaths usually have? Discover the signs to recognize a psychopath before it takes its toll on you emotionally.

Keys to knowing how to recognize a psychopath

A psychopathic person It can look like all the others. Despite the distorted idea we have of psychopathy due to television, most psychopaths are not deranged killers who are incarcerated. It is very likely that you have some psychopathic person around you, whether at work, in your group of friends or even in your own family.

We must keep in mind that psychopathy is not an official diagnosis included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, but on the contrary, there is numerous research on the existence of psychopathy. So,How can we recognize a psychopath?

Keys to knowing how to recognize a psychopath

There are a series of attitudes that can help you identify the traits of a psychopath Among the most common characteristics that help you know how to detect a psychopath are the following:

  1. They are charming, superficially: A common characteristic of all psychopaths is their charm. Normally, the idea we have of psychopathy It is arrogance or overconfidence, but in reality psychopaths usually stand out for their charm.
  2. They try to manufacture negative reactions: Another sign of a psychopath is the tendency to try to create chaos. That is, one of the characteristics of a psychopath It is that they provoke others to react without them being part of the problem.
  3. Pathological lies: Lying is a common characteristic of psychopaths. In fact, one of the ways to know how to identify a psychopath It is precisely by paying attention to this aspect. Psychopaths often lie for no apparent reason. Furthermore, if they ever question these lies (even if you have proof) they will immediately act as if you are paranoid.
  4. They seem incapable of feeling guilt: When someone does something wrong they usually feel very intense remorse. In the case of psychopaths, they usually do not feel remorse for any of their behaviors and consequences. Maybe at some point, a psychopath He will apologize to you to save face or in case he still requires something from you.
  5. High self-steem: The psychotic men and women They tend to have a very inflated view of themselves. So much so that they often find it justified to live according to their own rules, thinking that the laws do not apply to them.
  6. They use manipulation: The psychopaths They are really good at getting other people to do what they want. One of the most common traits of a psychopath is precisely manipulation.
  7. They can be leaders: The psychopaths They need to be in control, for this reason they can be charismatic and become leaders in their closest circle. Traits of a psychopath
  8. They act: A psychopath They will be able to put themselves in any role and adapt to a situation in order to get what they really want. They hide behind a mask and are experts at imitating emotions they can never really feel.
  9. They take advantage of kindness: Extremely loving and sensitive people are particularly vulnerable to being attacked by psychopaths. This is because the psychopathic people They usually take advantage of the kind and generous nature of this type of profiles.
  10. They are unfaithful: Most psychopaths will be unfaithful in their romantic relationships. Because they cannot form real bonds with others, psychopaths will quickly pass for friends and lovers without any feeling of remorse.
  11. Narcissism: Another way to know How to recognize a psychopath It is by observing their delusions of grandeur, that is, the belief that they possess qualities superior to others such as genius, fame, omnipotence or wealth.
  12. Cycles of cruelty and kindness continue: The relationship with a psychopath It always starts out as a fairy tale that unexpectedly turns into a nightmare. This happens because these types of relationships usually go in cycles of cruelty and kindness, something that ends up damaging the mental health of those affected.
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Know how to spot a psychopath It can be useful to avoid harming our mental health with harmful relationships. In many cases, these types of bonds can take their toll such that the help of a mental health professional is required.

Difference between a psychopath and a sociopath

Although on many occasions psychopath and sociopath are used as synonyms, the reality is that they have different meanings and behavioral patterns differ.

  • Psychopaths: They lack conscience and do not feel empathy towards others. They may go so far as to pretend to care, but often maintain a normal façade to cover up ruthless or even criminal behavior.
  • Sociopaths: They may experience some empathy and limited remorse for their actions. They struggle to maintain normal behavior and routines but can be overly impulsive and emotional. Although they recognize that their actions are wrong, they can find ways to rationalize their impulsive and harmful behaviors.

Psychopaths have the innate ability to make you feel that there is something wrong with you. Once you recognize the traits of a psychopath You can discover how to eliminate these people from your life.