Is The Only Thing Necessary To Educate Children Is To Hit Them?

It is quite common to find people who claim that the only thing necessary to educate children is to practically hit them.

Is the only thing necessary to educate children is to hit them?

Many say it jokingly but others say it very seriously, as if it offends them that there are parents who They don’t want to cause pain to their children to educate them. Above all, those who say: “They hit me and I’m totally fine and I’m a normal person.”

That is why I decided to write this article, to explain why was that happening Why does it seem that the children of the past who grew up with beatings were better educated than those of today? I must also warn that in this article I do not intend to attack those who say: “A good blow will take away children’s tantrums.” As a professional with almost 20 years of experience in the clinical and legal area, and also a disseminator, I simply intend to make known how things work, and from there let everyone make their own decisions because remember that Ignorance does not exempt us from our consequences

Nobody can deny that most children of 30, 40 or 50 years ago were very more obedient than those of now. In the same way that we cannot deny that the majority of parents in those times used the assault as a way of disciplining

Why was this happening? And if it was so effective, why don’t we continue doing it?

The answer is very simple, and it is that although humans believe we are so intelligent and so elevated, deep down we are still animals And the strongest instinct of us animals is that of survival When it is at risk our life is activated, and everything else stops being important. For a child, especially the younger ones, it is anything that causes pain, automatically activates your survival instinct And of course, if threats By hurting him he will do what you tell him. In the same way, if a criminal captures a person, that person or his family will do everything he asks of them.

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I am sorry if this comparison is uncomfortable for some individuals who believed that behind the blows there was some kind of iron magic that transformed naughty children into good ones, but the harsh reality is that by acting like this we do not act very differently than a terrorist would do.

“Children do not learn from the blow, the survival mechanism is simply activated.”

But does this type of aggressiveness Did it actually also work to educate?

I already made it clear that causing pain is excellent for generating obedience, But as I already explained in another article, consequences with physical aggression produce immature adults. Because “obedience” is not at all synonymous with education either maturity Well, believing this would be like thinking that a woman who blindly obeys her dominant and abusive husband is more mature or educated than one who disobeys and abandons him.

Use the aggressiveness As an educational method, it has long had serious consequences, for example: violent, abusive, and destructive people with whom it is left. And where do you think they learned it? Well, from the same place where other people learned to be submissive, to remain silent, to endure and to sacrifice their freedom and well-being in order not to anger the abusive people who believe they have rights over them.

Damage to children is not only caused by what they are taught, but also by what they are NOT taught.

And if not, how many people do you know who really know? resolve your differences positively who know how to respect the opinions of others, who know how to assert their rights without harming others, in short… How do you think a person who lacks these skills lives? Same things that he never learned, because what he did learn from his parents was that problems are solved with blows and aggression.

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To finish, the psychological problems What this way of educating caused in the past is impressive, especially 100 or 200 years ago where you would not believe the psychopathologies that that culture of obedience caused. But of course, what does all this matter, the only thing that matters is having children who obey, right?

Until the next article…