The 15 Most Interesting Online Psychology Workshops And Courses

Do you think psychology is fascinating? Have you always been curious to know how we function? Discover more interesting online psychology workshops and courses and dare to take the step.

Interesting online psychology courses

Are you interested in psychology? Have you ever thought about getting closer to each of its themes in more depth? The online psychology courses and psychological workshops They are a perfect opportunity to access the most interesting theories and disciplines of our mind and brain.

Thanks to any psychology workshop you can study psychology online in a very easy, entertaining way and also obtaining useful knowledge for your daily life. If you are curious about this topic, online psychology courses will undoubtedly be an opportunity to develop and grow in many aspects. Learn about online psychology courses and psychological workshops most interesting and practical that you can do through professionals specialized in this discipline.

At Mundopsicologos we present a new platform with which you can get closer to the depths of our mind and brain to benefit in your daily life. Through a psychology workshop Taught by our professional psychologists, you will be able to master the tools to improve internally and feel better inside and out. You will find these psychological workshops on our platform, and there you can access free or low-cost psychology courses. Learning to take care of yourself and improve your well-being will be much easier thanks to these online workshops.

Most interesting online psychology courses and workshops

Among all the psychology specialties, there are some that stand out more than the others. For this reason, we have made a compilation of the psychological courses and workshops with the most interesting and practical topics of psychology classes that you can find on our website through our new tool.

1. Color psychology and neuromarketing

Nowadays, digital marketing and social networks are very important to grow your business and give your brand much more visibility. A psychology workshop or an online psychology course What can help you stand out is focused on learning some tools from color psychology and neuromarketing to be able to capture the attention of users and encourage more interaction with your brand.

2. Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is one of the most useful knowledge that you can learn through any psychology workshop for beginners or those curious about the subject. In it you will learn some basic tools to better face life, as well as it will give you the opportunity to take control of this type of knowledge to learn more about it and end up managing your emotions perfectly. To do this you will not need a psychology degree, but through one of these distance courses for free or for a small amount of money, you will have this knowledge at your disposal.

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3. Mindfulness

Mindfulness is about taking advantage of the present and enjoying it through all the senses. This type of meditation is a good way to fight against stress, anxiety and the emptiness that we may have due to our current pace of life. In our free psychology courses or by paying a small amount you will access a practical class to enjoy this meditation and all its benefits.

“It has been very positive. I had little experience on the subject and I have realized that it is possible and necessary to manage positive emotions, it is the way to stay calm and learn to reduce stress, which was my goal. Even the schedule that At first it didn’t seem very good to me, it turns out that after a long day of work it helps you relax. Without a doubt, a great experience.”

Maria Pérez Díaz, student of Reducing stress and anxiety with Mindfulness

4. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis

Who isn’t fascinated by hypnosis or self-hypnosis? Without a doubt this is one of the specialties of psychology that we would all like to know. In our psychological online workshops You will be able to focus on the basic principles to begin to know the world of suggestions and hypnosis.

5. Psychology for eating

The problems with following a healthy diet, food anxiety and weight gain are perhaps one of the most pending psychology subjects that we have today. In our free distance courses (or almost free) you can learn some strategies to try to remedy this lack of control that many of us can suffer when it comes to food.

Most popular topics in psychology courses

6. Meditation

It is more than scientifically proven that meditation has many benefits for people on a physical, emotional and mental level. But it is true that approaching it can be difficult for those people who are not very familiar with introspection. In our online psychology courses we will approach meditation and some of the most effective techniques to choose each of its healing properties. Thanks to these dose of psychology classes You will be able to maintain the meditation routine and see all its results on a personal level. A psychology workshop to learn to meditate can give you the ability to control your stress and anxiety that you accumulate during the course of the day.

7. Psychology of seduction and attraction

We are all afraid of social rejection and even more so when it is oriented towards seduction and attraction. In our online psychology course or in any psychology workshop on our platform You can learn to bring out the best in yourself in front of others, as well as give yourself the confidence that you need so much to capture the attention of others. Through our free or low-cost distance learning courses, you will have the best secret of seduction in your hands: personal confidence.

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8. Positive psychology

Do you see everything in black and white? Positive psychology is another of the psychology specialties more useful on a personal and professional level. Thanks to the small techniques of motivation and redirection of negative thoughts that you will obtain through the knowledge of our psychologists and their psychological workshops, you will have at your disposal the key to approaching life from another perspective full of colors.

9. Forensic and criminal psychology

If you are one of those who get hooked on police series, this free psychology course (or low cost) is for you. In them, our specialist psychologists will give you an insight into how to analyze people, what kind of characteristics indicate a liar, as well as those gestures that reveal bad intentions on the part of others.

10. Child and adolescent psychology

Our childhood determines a lot of our personality. For fathers and mothers interested in offering values ​​around discipline and the personal development of their children, in our online psychology courses You will find some keys to give the best to your little ones.

11. Charisma and social skills

Charisma is one of the social skills that will make you stand out the most in front of others. Therefore, thanks to study psychology online Through a free psychology course or a low-cost psychology workshop you can understand the secret to developing your strengths to end up being the star of any event or party.

Online psychology courses

12. Self-esteem and personal assessment

Self-esteem is another of the psychology specialties What pending do we have? In our free (or almost) psychology courses you will have the ability to value yourself. One of the skills that is undoubtedly more than important both for your inner life and for achieving everything you want.

13. NLP and body language

Neurolinguistic programming is one of the most fascinating disciplines in psychology. With us free online psychology courses (or at a low cost) you will be able to master some techniques to unconsciously affect both yourself and those around you. On the other hand, you should know that learning about body language will be a useful tool to be successful in any of your social interactions.

14. Career orientation and leadership

Our profession defines a lot of what we want for our lives. In these cases you can find an online psychology workshop to help you remove all doubts and be the best candidate to pass all the job interviews you propose. Furthermore, if you are a team leader, you will also have free or low-cost psychology courses available to be the leader who brings out the best in each member of your teams.

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15. Existential crises

Do not you know what to do with your life? Existential crises are a common process that we all have to go through when things are not going as we wish. Through a psychology course or our psychological workshops You will be able to know how to face them and learn from this process.

These are some of the themes that you can find in our online psychology courses In each of them you will have the opportunity to receive an entire psychology workshop from a professional specialized in it.

How do I access these free psychology workshops and courses?

Through this new practical and easy-to-use service you can register for free psychology courses together with specialized psychologists. These can be single-session training or more than one, depending on what the psychology professional considers will be most beneficial for your learning and understanding.

Maybe now you are wondering: “How does it work?”. It is very simple, you just have to access the platform where you will find the professionals who teach the different psychology courses, as well as a range of possibilities that we believe may be of interest to you. If a training interests you, just click on Sign up. Now you will only have to register and wait for the day of the session to start. Once you are registered you will receive a series of emails:

  1. He online workshop receipt as you have registered.
  2. An invitation in your Calendar for me to send you a reminder from the psychology workshop to your mobile phone, computer or tablet.
  3. Link and code access to psychological workshops

On our platform you will have at your disposal a wide variety of online psychological workshops free with which you can learn skills that will help you improve your mental well-being.

Online psychology course

Distance learning psychology courses and workshops at a low cost

In addition to the option of taking free psychology classes, you will also find online workshops which will have a low cost (no more than 12 euros). In them the training will be more specific and much more detailed. That is, you will have a psychology workshop with much more material to be able to learn techniques and strategies in the area that interests you most. These low-cost psychological workshops will work in the same way as the free ones, but when you sign up you will have to pay a small amount.

Benefits of taking an online psychology workshop

In each of our psychological workshops you will benefit not only from useful knowledge to improve your life, but also on our platform you will obtain the following advantages.

  • Taught by professional psychologists

Both a free psychology course Like another one that has a low cost, it will be taught by a psychologist who specializes in the chosen topic. That is, it will be like being in a full-fledged psychology class.

  • Free or little