How To Have Friends And Keep Them?

Winning friends and keeping them is a difficult task, because dealing with people is often problematic. We must take care of them, be interested in them, make them feel important.

How to have friends and keep them?

Gain friends and keep them It is a very difficult task, because dealing with people is often problematic. We must take care of them, be interested in them, make them feel important. It is important to avoid confrontations and disputes with others, which lead to nothing, in order to win friends: when we dislike something, it is much easier to criticize and censure than to try to understand the point of view of our interlocutor.

How can we understand and get along with other people? How can we spark the interest of others? How to avoid arguments? How to gain more ability to talk to people? “The friendship It is more difficult and rarer than love. Therefore, we must save it no matter what” (Alberto Moravia)

Tips for making friends

In the next decalogue I summarize the most important points in order to win friends and keep them.

1. Don’t criticize

Instead of criticize try to understand the other person: Why do they do what they do or say what they say?

2. Show appreciation

Shows sincere appreciation for others. Don’t think so much about your achievements and achievements, and try to put the other person’s qualities in the foreground. Show appreciation to the person you are talking to.

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3. Show interest

Talk about what the other person wants. Talk less about you and yours concerns and pay attention to what they tell you.

4. Be honest

Be sincerely interested for others. That will make the other person feel important. He recognizes the importance of it. By being interested in the problems of others, you will increase their desire to want to be with you. Show sympathy for the ideas and desires of others.

5. Smile

Our best visiting card With a smile we are implicitly saying to the other, I like you, you make me happy, I’m glad to see you…

6. Mention his name

Go to your interlocutor by his name. Remember the name of the person you are talking to and repeat it often. It is a subtle and very effective compliment.

7. Listen carefully

This encourages others to talk about themselves and reinforce the relationship they have with you

How to make friends

8. Talk about what interests others

Get interested in discover What interests those around you and talk to them about it.

9. Avoid arguments

They are worthless, we never manage to convince anyone of our ideas and it exhausts us. our energies

10. Respect other people’s opinions

Put yourself in the other’s place. If you think this or that way, will have its reasons

11. Admit your mistakes

Admitting our mistakes we make it easy for others to also support them.

12. Show kindness

HE kind and allows Let the other person do the talking more. “The person who loses the most by being unable to listen to others is oneself.”

A friend is the one who comes when called in prosperity and in adversity without being called.

Demetrius Falero, Philosopher, 350 BC