Personal Branding – Personal Brand – Professional Reputation

Personal brand and professional reputation. Now it is not only important what we do, but how we are able to show it and sell it.

Personal Branding – Personal Brand – Professional Reputation

“By their fruits you will know them” (Saint Matthew 7:16).

“The tree is known by its fruits” (Saint Luke 6:44)

These are two statements that have been said for a long time to refer to the fact that works, actions and omissions of people is what makes us know them. This is indicated by the Apostles Matthew and Luke in their versions of the New Testament about what it seems that Jesus preached more than 2000 years ago.

With this he warned us that we must look at the works or fruits of the Prophets to know if they preach good or evil.

We can adapt this to the present, to refer to the professional reputation of each one of us in the work activity that we carry out, although it should be added that not only the works actually carried out are important, but it is also very how we make these works known to others, since this can help make their opinion of us better or worse.

That is to say, it is not only important what we do, but also how we are able to show what we have done.

It is from here where the terminology of “personal branding” or personal brand, which replaces the term professional reputation, adding the idea of ​​promoting and presenting said reputation to build a brand and a product that is ourselves in the professional field.

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The promotion of our brand is fundamentally done through social networks on the Internet. Although we must also use meetings, interviews and professional forums for said promotion.

  • Initially it is recommended to create the basic pillars of the brand, asking us about our training, experience and own values, as well as about our works and fruits. That is, define the characteristics of the product.

The answer to these questions will be the pillars of our brand.

  • Secondly, we will ask ourselves, about what What we would like people to think of us professionally, when we are not present. If we would like them to remember one or other works from our professional history, or to identify us with specific values, or perhaps because of our training.
  • Once we are clear about the previous steps, thirdly, we must be able to represent it in a simplified and visual scheme, that allows us at a glance to promote and highlight everything that strengthens the facts and values ​​to be highlighted.

An example of this scheme is presented below.

  • Area 1 manager
  • xx years experience
  • Degree in…·
  • Languages ​​a and b
  • Contribute:o
    • Solidity in the area
    • Global vision of the company

Value 1 Value 2

Value 3 Value 4

With a single glance we can see what the product consists of, the area or areas of experience, and what this contributes.

In the same way, we can see the values ​​with which we practice in our professional life and that we want stand out Regarding this, we must choose those that stand out from us. As an example, we can have: Credibility, trust, coherence, teamwork, commitment, leadership, security, versatility, etc.

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Once we have this simplified scheme, as well as, a coherent story Supported by real facts and experiences that support and exemplify both the content and values ​​of the product, that is, of ourselves, it is time for its promotion.

We must be proud of our product to be able to promote it whenever a professional opportunity presents itself to us, either through our presence on social networks or in professional interactions.

We cannot forget that, being a product must:

Develop it and make it evolve.

Enhance strengths and improve possible weaknesses.

Be attentive to the target market and how demand and trends change.

Know our competition and how it evolves.

Finally, I would just like to remember that we must take the personal brand as a means and not as an end in itself, and let’s not let ourselves become obsessed. All in perspective.