Challenges To Do With Friends

Challenges to do with friends - Challenges to do with friends at home

Eating food blindfolded, guessing the characters, trying to keep balloons in the air, or drawing with your eyes closed, are some of the challenges you can do with your friends. These will give spark and fun to your meetings. Sharing time with friends is synonymous with joy and entertainment, because they are people with whom we can be ourselves, without being judged or criticized.

In this PsychologyFor article, we bring you several challenges to do with friends at home, on the street and fun. You can try them at a party, on the street, at home and even on WhatsApp to have unforgettable moments with your best friends. Get ready to have a great time!

Challenges to do with friends at home

Getting together with friends at home is always a special occasion, but what if we added an extra touch of fun and excitement? Challenges are a great way to break the routine, strengthen ties and, of course, share many laughs. In this section, we propose a series of challenges to do at home that are the most creative and entertaining:

  1. Pour a bucket of cold water over your heads to see who can stand the cold the longest without complaining.
  2. Dressing in the clothes of the opposite sex.
  3. Eating blindfolded.
  4. Sing a song in another language, even if you don’t know how to sing.
  5. Say which boy or girl you like.
  6. Prevent the egg from breaking by creating a base with materials such as clothing, newspaper or cardboard on the ground. The winner is whoever prevents the egg from breaking when thrown from above.
  7. Try different flavors and guess what food it is.
  8. Leave your gaze fixed on your opponent, and whoever blinks first loses the challenge.
  9. Balloon challenge in the air, in which you and your friends have to try to keep at least five balloons from touching the ground.
  10. Talk about your most hidden secret.
  11. Try to lick your elbow.
  12. Choose songs at random and compete to see who gives the best performance.
  13. Act out scenes from movies, books or famous people without speaking, and have them guess what each one represents.
  14. Complicated yoga postures or flexibility challenges, to see who is the most agile.
  15. Joke competition. See who can keep a straight face the longest.

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Challenges to do with friends - Challenges to do with friends at home

Challenges to do with friends on the street

While being at home with friends is entertaining, going outside with them opens up a world of possibilities for adventure and fun. Outdoors, the urban environment becomes the perfect setting for exciting challenges and full of energy. In this section, we present a selection of challenges to do with friends on the street, which will transform your walk into a playground:

  1. If it’s winter, go out in your pajamas and try to endure the cold for a while until you see who gives up.
  2. Talk for at least 5 minutes with a stranger. Whoever spends the most time talking wins the challenge.
  3. Make a list of interesting objects or places to photograph in the city. See who completes the list first.
  4. Choose people at random (without disturbing them) and, in turns, discreetly imitate their behaviors or gestures.
  5. Take a tour of the city on skates, and set small challenges along the way.
  6. Use elements of the urban environment to create a small obstacle course and compete.
  7. Prepare a small performance or dance and present it in a public place.
  8. Choose an unknown neighborhood and explore its streets, shops and parks. Do small challenges along the way.
  9. Look for low walls or safe structures to climb and test your skills safely.
  10. Asking strangers for a few cents. Whoever manages to get the most money will be the winner.
  11. choose someone random on the street and give him a hug.
  12. Shouting incoherent phrases in the street to observe the reaction of strangers.
Challenges to do with friends - Challenges to do with friends on the street

Challenges to do with spicy friends

When it comes to having a fun and daring time with friends, spicy challenges are an unbeatable option. If you are thinking about how to give a sparkling touch To those moments, here we leave you several spicy challenges to do with your friends, which range between the naughty and the daring:

  1. Each player must answer a personal or intimate question. If they refuse, they must meet a challenge.
  2. Choose someone to kiss or, if you prefer not to, take a shot of some drink.
  3. Each player must confess who is his crush current or childhood among the group of friends.
  4. Exchange an item of clothing with someone of the opposite sex.
  5. Offer a one-minute massage to the person you choose from the group.
  6. Make a lap simulated dance to a friend for 30 seconds.
  7. Do an ice cube challenge, such as passing the ice with your mouth to another person.
  8. Confess a daring or secret fantasy.
  9. Whisper something spicy in the ear of someone in the group.
  10. Sing a seductive song to someone in the group.
  11. Place a piece of chocolate in your mouth and offer it to someone to take with their lips.
  12. Maintain an intense and seductive gaze with someone for a minute without laughing.

In this article you will also find ideas for Awkward Questions for Friends.

Challenges to do with friends - Spicy challenges to do with friends

Challenges to do with friends on WhatsApp

In the digital age, staying connected with friends is easier and more fun than ever, especially through platforms like WhatsApp. So that you have many options to have fun, in this section, we bring you the best challenges to do with friends on WhatsApp, which They will keep the spark of friendship alive no matter where you are:

  1. Invite your friends to post a funny photo of you in their statuses and whoever accumulates the most likeswin the challenge.
  2. Post childhood photos on your WhatsApp to see who accumulates the most comments.
  3. Choose a daily theme (like nature, blue objects, etc.), and compete to see who submits the best related photo.
  4. Do a round of trivia. Let everyone send a question and the others must respond.
  5. Let one person send a simple drawing, and the next person must add something to it, creating a collective work.
  6. Submit riddles and see who answers correctly first.
  7. Create phrases or tell stories using only emojis. Let others guess what you are trying to say.
  8. Share tricky puzzles and see who can solve them first.
  9. Have a competition to see who sends the funniest joke.
  10. Do the “True or False” challenge: Each person tells a story or fact about themselves, and the others must guess if it is true or false.
  11. Create and share short poems on given topics.
  12. Choose a theme and create a collage of related photos. Then share them and vote for the best one.
  13. Start with a word, and each person must submit a word that begins with the last letter of the previous one.
  14. Draw something with your eyes closed and share the results to see which one is the most fun or creative.

If you want to have a great time, here you will find Questions to meet a friend.

Challenges to do with friends at school

School is not only a place of learning, but also an ideal space for create fun memories with friends If you are looking for ideas for challenges with friends to do at school, in this list you will see different tests and challenges of ingenuity and fun that will help you strengthen the bonds of friendship:

  1. The marshmallow challenge, which consists of filling your mouth with marshmallows and seeing who can last the longest.
  2. Chop lemons into several wedges and challenge your friends to see who can eat the most lemons without wrinkling their faces.
  3. Tell your friends to try reading your lips to guess what you are trying to say.
  4. Jump rope in a group, and whoever manages to make the most jumps wins the challenge.
  5. Challenge your friends to hold a book on their head while walking in a straight line.
  6. Stay still for longer. The person who moves first loses.
  7. Blindfold a friend and turn him around several times. Then you must try to find the other people in the group.
  8. Sing with water in your mouth. Although it may seem very simple, this challenge is exciting. The winner is whoever can hum the most parts of a song without spitting out the water or swallowing it.
  9. With two plastic bottles of water, simulate a sword fight, as if you were two gladiators. The first person to drop their sword will lose the challenge.
  10. Call one of your parents to sing a nursery rhyme in front of your friends. Then he hangs up without any explanation.
  11. Invite your competitor to arm-wrestle to test who is the strongest. This challenge is one of the most classic and entertaining challenges.
  12. Do the musical chair challenge. Use music and stop it so that everyone sits down quickly. Whoever is left without a chair is eliminated from the game.
Challenges to do with friends - Challenges to do with friends at school

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Challenges to do with friends we recommend that you enter our Social Psychology category.


  • Cuenca-Amigo, M., & del Valle Doistua, RSS (2016). The importance of leisure as a basis for active and satisfactory aging. Journal of sports psychology, 25(2), 79-84.

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