Hair Loss Due To Stress: 7 Effective Treatments

Do you think you are suffering from hair loss due to stress? Why can hair loss happen? Discover the causes and the most effective treatment to combat this problem.

Hair loss due to stress: Why does it happen?

Over the years it is very common for people to experience changes in their hair. But, when the hair loss happens due to stress, the loss is so great that those who suffer it may feel especially uncomfortable with this problem. How can we identify hair loss due to stress and what to do about it?

What can cause hair loss?

There are many reasons that can trigger a hair loss Among the most common factors, we find the following:

  1. Aging: After the age of 30, both men and women begin to suffer from hair loss although in men it tends to be lost at a much faster rate.
  2. Hereditary factors: People can experience a hair loss due to hereditary reasons.
  3. Hormonal changes: This tends to happen especially in the case of women. When people go through certain hormonal changes they can experience a loss of hair An example of these effects can occur during pregnancy.
  4. Diseases: In some cases, the hair loss It may be related to physical illnesses. Therefore, if you think you may be facing a health problem, it is important that you go to a doctor.
  5. Nervous habits: Nervousness can end up involving Hair loss in cases of trichotillomania, where people pull out their hair due to nerves or stress. Hair loss in women or men due to nerves is very common.
  6. Stress: Finally, another of the most common reasons is excess stress. In many cases, people can be affected by it and begin to experience hair loss or dandruff due to stress
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Reasons for hair loss

Hair loss due to stress: Why does it happen?

The hair loss due to stress It is mainly caused by the environment and the sensations we experience because of it. Physical or emotional stress can cause the following two types of hair loss:

  • Alopecia areata: This loss of hair It is mainly induced by stress and involves white blood cells attacking the hair follicles. When faced with this type of hair loss due to stress, people experience a loss of hair strands, and it can affect both the scalp and even body hair. In these cases, hair can grow on its own once sources of stress are left aside.
  • Telogen effluvium: This type of hair loss It is more common and less serious. The hair stops growing and remains inactive and falls out two or three months later.

If you think that you hair loss is due to stress In these cases you should try to reduce stress through a slower and more relaxed lifestyle as well as learning some effective techniques to deal with it. Furthermore, when it is taken to the extreme of experiencing bald spots due to stress, both the intervention of a doctor and a professional psychologist is necessary.

What to do about hair loss due to stress?

You should know that in the event that you are experiencing a hair loss due to stress Once you have managed or overcome the stressors, there is a good chance that your hair will grow back as usual. Even so, if you do not stop being in front of the sources of stress, it is very difficult for the loss to end up stopping.

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People usually recover from hair loss due to stress approximately two months after the stressful incident has passed. On the other hand, telogen effluvium usually lasts about six months. If you experience hair loss six months after a stressful event, you may have more than one underlying factor or chronic condition.

Main treatments for hair loss due to stress

Treatment for hair loss due to stress

As we have commented, hair loss stress-induced usually reverses on its own. Even so, to reduce the effects that stress can have on your hair and on your physical and mental health, we recommend that you follow the following tips:

  1. Make healthy changes: A good method to cope hair loss in a woman or man due to stress is precisely trying to make healthy changes when it comes to our body and/or scalp. For example, doing physical exercise in a healthy way, eating a balanced diet, or taking showers at a warmer or colder temperature, as well as not exposing our hair to tension (with rubber bands or other hair accessories) can help us deal with this hair loss. due to this disorder.
  2. Use dermatological treatments: Going to a dermatologist can also help you know how to deal with hair loss due to a constant source of stress. Even so, we must emphasize that this will not end the problem behind hair loss.
  3. Breathing exercises: Breathing techniques can help you respond in a calmer way to sources of stress, something that will benefit you when faced with stress. hair loss due to stress
  4. Meditation: Constantly meditating can help you manage the stress you have in your life. In fact, meditation is an exercise that, over time, allows you to change the perspective of the events that happen in your daily life.
  5. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness involves being focused on the here and now. By focusing our attention on the present we avoid worries about past and future events, which is equivalent to leaving behind stress and the effects it can have, such as hair loss
  6. Focus on your self-care: Focusing on your physical and mental well-being will help you relieve stress. In fact, spending time resting and being with yourself can be a good strategy to stop depression. hair loss due to stress
  7. Go to therapy: Therapy with a professional psychologist will allow you not only to learn strategies to deal with stress, but also to see the reason why you are experiencing it.
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Stress has many consequences for both our mental and physical health. In the event that you are perceiving a hair loss Due to this disorder, it is a sign that it is affecting you more than it should.