How To Feel Better About Yourself

How to feel better about yourself

You are the protagonist of your life. How you feel in your own skin influences how you position yourself in the world and in your present. In PsychologyFor, we answer this question: How to feel better about yourself? An issue that refers to emotional health and self-esteem. In this article, we give you the keys to establishing a positive and constructive relationship with you. A bond of friendship that is strengthened through a kind internal dialogue. You are the most important person in your life, so try to be a constructive influence on yourself. We tell you how to do it and how to be resilient based on self-love as the best philosophy of life.

How to feel good about yourself – 10 positive tips

  1. Think of yourself as your best friend Just as you treat that friend you truly appreciate and value, try to apply this same sense of respect when you think about your own life. How is this idea materialized in practice? Try to make your life beautiful and pleasant. Apply this message literally.
  2. Do the right There is nothing as emotionally therapeutic as doing good. Good actions bring you immense satisfaction and inner peace. Put into practice those values ​​that define the essence of humanism: respect for the dignity of the human heart, social skills, empathy, emotional generosity and justice.
  3. Apologize Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes. How then to correct the discomfort that these situations produce? Asking for forgiveness is a sign of emotional wisdom. Through this sincere act, you accept what has happened but show your regret. And most importantly, forgive yourself. Embrace your inner child with love.
  4. Focus on everything positive of life, of yourself and of others. Stop devoting so much attention to the negative details that give rise to complaints and reproaches. Feed the feeling of gratitude that helps you evolve. You have the power to change your mental attention just by remembering a beautiful and pleasant moment, a moment that may correspond to this very day.
  5. Take care of your personal relationships You are social by nature. Your ties give you a sense of belonging to a safe environment. The most important thing is not the number of friends, but the quality of these links. Dedicate a weekly time to fostering friendship.
  6. Practice reading There are many different genres: narrative, poetry, novel, story, short story, essay, biography, self-help, travel… The habit of reading feeds your mind, it helps you feel better about yourself. It is entertainment that also enhances learning accompanied by emotions.
  7. Look for reasons to celebrate Beyond birthdays, Valentine’s Day or Christmas, it is very important that you adopt the attitude of celebrating life in the small details. For example, when you finish a professional project on time, celebrate that goal.
  8. Positive use of new technologies Enjoy all the good things that technology can offer you from the point of view of communication, work, training and leisure. However, it establishes limits and consultation hours. Your life goes beyond technology.
  9. Find time for yourself Even being social by nature, you need to disconnect from others. You need to have your own space to rest and cultivate the link with your own identity.
  10. Therapeutic music Listen to songs that have a happy, vital and hopeful message. Don’t believe those lyrics that invite self-pity and victimhood.

How to feel better about yourself - How to feel good about yourself - 10 positive tips

How to feel good psychologically – 6 factors that steal your peace

To feel better about yourself, you must also delve deeper into those factors that take you away from that state of harmony:

  • Stress The great risk of today’s society is that stress has been normalized to the point of making it an inevitable factor. There are moments that, in and of themselves, are more stressful. However, by your own decision, break with that rhythm that leads you to live permanently in a hurry. Break with that idea that everything is urgent and immediate. Fortunately, most things can wait.
  • Learn to delegate Both on a professional level and on a personal level. Break away from the weight of wanting to take care of everything. Seek collaboration in the environments in which you participate. The weight of believing yourself indispensable can end up crushing your spirit.
  • Perfectionism In life there are difficulties, fears, problems, unforeseen events and obstacles. You cannot ignore this part of reality by aspiring to a perfectionism that defines an ideal that has nothing to do with reality. Try to adjust your expectations to the essence of your own life. In the following article, you can see some useful tips on how to be less self-demanding.
  • Sedentary lifestyle This inertia towards inactivity weighs not only physically, but also on a psychological level. The best remedy to put an end to this brake is exercise and sport.
  • Individualism It is very positive that you think about yourself, but it is not positive that you only think about yourself. Something that happens when you let yourself be carried away by the ego. Think of a good deed you can do today to cheer up someone around you.
  • Fight against the past You can’t change yesterday. Therefore, integrate what you have learned into your present scenario. The past has given you very important learning lessons.

How to have personal resilience to feel good about yourself

To feel better about yourself, you have to start living by paying greater attention to what depends on you. In this way, you increase your level of resilience because you gain greater strength when you focus on those aspects of your reality that you can control.

As a practical exercise, start each day by asking yourself this question: What am I going to do today for the benefit of my own happiness? This question helps you focus the power of your well-being on yourself.

How to feel better about yourself - How to have personal resilience to feel good about yourself

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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