The 10 Most Useful Educational Psychology Books For Parents

Parents, the vast majority, want the best for their children

However, the relationship is not always easy, as there are stages of life that can be complicated, especially during some years of childhood, and also the much-feared adolescence. That’s why, a good educational psychology book for parents can be very useful because even with good faith, it is not always educated correctly.

Educational psychology books for parents

In this article we will see a list of great educational psychology books so that parents can be well informed and thus enhance the development of their children. Don’t miss them!

1. How can I get out of here? (Cristina Cortes)

This book for parents and therapists, published by Desclée De Brouwer, is an illustrated story about how it is possible to intervene in cases of emotional crisis, specifically through EMDR therapy. It is a way of explaining in a very simple way something that is actually complex and that by its very nature is difficult to express in words: how certain experiences can leave an emotional imprint that generates discomfort for a long time and that is difficult to communicate and externalize.

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The author, Cristina Cortés Viniegra, is a child psychologist, and has also published another book of interest for parents: Look at me, feel me.

2. Far from the tree: stories of parents and children who have learned to love each other (Andrew Solomon)

An impressive book that deals with the relationship between parents and children with disabilities. In a total of ten chapters, the author investigates different topics such as deafness, Down’s Syndrome autism or schizophrenia.

It even addresses the topic of child prodigies, those children who have exceptional cognitive abilities. A book based on interviews with more than 300 families, in which the author investigates what it feels like to be a father in this situation. A beautiful book and a lesson for life.

You can buy it by clicking here.

3. Developmental psychology: childhood and adolescence (David R. Shaffer)

This is a must-have book for parents. This is a text used by universities that teach psychology, and specifically developmental psychology.

AND There are many students who have passed the subject thanks to this great instructional book Written with clear and concise language, this text inquires about the most important theories and research in this branch of psychology, with special attention to the possible application of its content. A useful guide not only for students, but also for parents.

4. Intelligent education (Bernabé Tierno)

The family is one of the most important socializing agents for a child Therefore, parents must be careful when educating them, because what they learn at an early age will greatly influence their future.

Intelligent education, a work by the renowned psychologist Bernabé Tierno, contains the keys so that parents can enhance the correct development of their children, promoting the intellect, skills and well-being of the latter. A book that helps parents reflect on their behavior and their relationship with their children.

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5. How to talk so your children listen to you and how to listen so your children talk to you (Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish)

One of the most well-known and successful books on psychology. Is ideal for those parents who hear but do not listen to their children and, furthermore, they do not communicate appropriately.

Throughout his chapters, the author reviews how to listen actively and provides appropriate advice and strategies for better, more efficient communication.

6. Adolescents. Instruction manual (Fernando Alberca)

Adolescence is a complicated stage in the parent-child relationship, so It is important that parents understand this period of their children’s development in the best possible way A stage in which the identity of young people is formed in contact with their peers, and their desire to explore the world around them makes this period one of the great stages of biological, psychological, sexual and social change.

Although all parents have been teenagers, technological, social and economic changes mean that many parents are unable to understand their children’s behavior. This book is necessary to know what the teenager thinks and feels and to learn to interpret her behavior. Because at this stage it is more necessary than ever to have a united family, otherwise the self-esteem of the young people in the house can be seriously affected.

  • Buy it here.

7. What your children do on the internet: a guide for parents

The Technological advances and world 2.0 have changed the way we relate in the last decade The new digital age and the use of smartphones warn us of the importance of education to prevent the possible harmful use that we face by being always connected.

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There are many negative phenomena associated with new technologies: nomophobia, FOMO syndrome or technostress, for example. Parental education is the best way to prevent and avoid problems with self-esteem, communication, etc., in children. This book is perfect for parents to know what to do in these cases.

  • You can purchase it here.

8. 50 tips to live better with your teenagers (Debra Ciavola)

Living with a child is not always easy, especially during adolescence Family conflicts during this age can be common.

This text helps parents connect with their children and understand their emotions. Throughout the book they expose fifty practical tips to improve the parent-child relationship during adolescence and provides strategies for a better education.

  • You can buy it here.

9. Development Theories: Concepts and Applications (William Crain)

Another of those great books that has trained thousands of psychologists and that, without a doubt, is really useful for the information it provides. It is an eminently practical book that allows parents to understand, thanks to a wide variety of research, the development of their children.

A great manual that cannot be missing in the parents’ library and that reviews different theories that have marked an era. Theories such as those of Piaget, Vygotsky or Erikson.

10. Educate me Well: 100 answers for worried mothers and fathers (Montse Domènech, Plaza & Janes)

This is a practical guide for disoriented parents where parents will obtain the most useful answers to the main questions that all parents ask themselves during the first years of raising children.

It is the definitive guide in the field of Educational Psychology, in which the author contemplates all stages of a child’s growth, from birth to adolescence.

Educate me well

You can get it on this page.