The 35 Best Psychology Books That You Cannot Miss

Psychology books

Psychology is a certainly interesting discipline since it provides information to understand people’s behavior.

Over the years, many books have been published that deal with this topic. Psychology books that, due to their enriching content, provide knowledge that can be applied in different areas of our lives.

Table of Contents

Books about Psychology that you should read

If you are a psychologist or psychology student, a good book is one of the best ways to learn and acquire new knowledge that allows you to develop better professional work. On the other hand, if you simply want to know the reasons for people’s behavior, interpersonal relationships or learn more about the functioning of the brain, personal development or psychological well-being, A good psychology book can help you understand things you didn’t understand.

In today’s article, and so that you can use your free time to learn more about this beautiful discipline, we have prepared a list with 36 great books on psychology that you should read. Let us begin!

1. Psychologically Speaking (Adrián Triglia, Bertrand Regader and Jonathan García-Allen)

Psychologically Speaking is a psychology book in the creation of which I myself have participated and which presents three of the characteristics that I value in popular works: it covers a wide variety of topics within the discipline of psychology, it uses clear and pleasant language, it is structured so that the chapters follow a logical order and, furthermore, it is not excessively long but not too short either.

This is a good bet for all those curious people who are looking for psychology books to get started in this fascinating field of knowledge.

psychologically speaking

2. The surprising truth about what motivates us (Daniel Pink)

This book focuses on what keeps us engaged and motivated in the workplace, and examines the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations that keep us productive. Additionally, it reviews the methods for both motivations (intrinsic and extrinsic) that work best for workers. A text that has to occupy the shelf of your favorite books.

3. Awakening the heart: The art of loving yourself well (Sandra García Sánchez-Beato)

The psychologist Sandra García Sánchez-Beato has written the book “Awakening the heart: The art of loving yourself well” where it details a wide variety of practical resources, therapeutic tools, reflections and guided meditations to reconnect with ourselves and our innate goodness.

Through direct and simple language, Sandra García teaches us the way to awaken the heart, integrate positive dynamics, remove negative tendencies from our daily lives, improve our self-knowledge and also our relationship both with ourselves and with others.

Awakening the heart book

4. Psychotrolas: The psychological lies of our digital world (Rubén Camacho)

Psychotrolas: The psychological lies of our digital world is a highly recommended reading book written by psychologist Rubén Camacho. In its pages, the author shows how through social networks and through the use of some fashionable terms such as “ghosting”, “toxic people” or “narcissists” we are constantly being bombarded with a large amount of information about human psychology. which usually obeys more to sensationalism than to rigor.

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This book is available both digitally and in paper version and its price through Amazon can vary considerably from 2.99 euros for the digital format to 10.35 euros for the softcover book.


5. Towards a Process-Based Therapy” (Steven C. Hayes)

The book “Towards Process-Based Therapy (PBT)” by Steven C. Hayes It is aimed at all those professionals who want to know the keys to new forms of therapy with the contribution of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Each chapter of this work is written by a psychology professional with several years of experience and all of them share their knowledge, analysis and advice based on their extensive career.

Towards a process-based therapy

6. The art of loving (Erich Fromm)

An authentic work of art written by the sociologist, psychologist and philosopher Erich Fromm. The author states: “Love is a decision, a judgment, a promise.

If love were just a feeling, there would be no basis for promising eternal love to someone. A feeling comes and goes. How can I decide that I will stay forever, if my actions do not include judgments and decision making? A text that will surely make you reflect on love.

  • Buy it here.

7. Good morning, joy: How to overcome sadness and achieve emotional balance (Jesús Martos Larrinaga)

The General Health Psychologist Jesús Martos Larrinaga is the author of the book “Good morning, joy: How to overcome sadness and achieve emotional balance” a structured program based on the scientific method with which millions of people with depression will be able to improve their daily mood and achieve happiness.

Jesús Martos is a highly prestigious psychologist who has been helping to improve the mental health and problems of his clients for more than 10 years, and in his book he offers a wide variety of practical and useful tools to learn to manage sadness and smile again. .

In the book you will find practical examples of each step you have to take, advice and work templates to put into practice in your daily life starting today.

  • You can get the book on this page.
Good morning joy

8. Semicolon: The emotional story of a psychologist with depression (Carolina Marín)

Punto y coma is the true story of Alejandra, a psychologist who had a life project full of dreams and objectives until depression appeared in her life, changing it completely.

In this book, psychologist Carolina Marín describes a case of depressive disorder both the previous symptoms and the warning signs, and also offers detailed useful guidelines to successfully face this disorder and to accompany a family member who may have it.

Thanks to semicolons we will be able to better understand the phenomenon of depression and acquire tools to cope with it both in our own case and in friends or family.

  • You can get it on this page.
Semicolon book

9. The awakening of your being: A new beginning (Andrea Gabriela Boullón)

The psychologist Andrea Gabriela Boullón García has published in Libella the work “The awakening of your being: A new beginning” an invitation to get to know yourself, discover yourself again and think about yourself from a new perspective that allows you to encompass your entire being.

With this book you will begin a journey of self-knowledge that allows you to understand and navigate the pain you are going through, reinventing yourself to become a better person and overcome all your problems both emotionally and psychosomatically.

  • Buy it at this link
The Awakening of your Being

10. I want to be happy, what about you? (Arodi Martínez)

Dr. Arodi Martínez is a psychologist who has published the book “I want to be happy, and you?” a very useful guide for those people who want to learn to know themselves better, self-realize, and take the path to achieving a happier life.

In the book we will find practical strategies and tools from areas as diverse as neuroscience or nutrition, as well as knowledge in psychology and holistic medicine to learn to achieve greater well-being in life, to grow as people and to better understand and accept others. others.

  • You will find more information about the book on this page.
I want to be happy, what about you?

11. A mortal blow to anxiety (Arileydi Pérez)

Anxiety is one of the main psychological disorders that plague our society and its influence can make the affected person feel increasingly unhappy, cornered and useless.

In this book by psychologist Arileydi Pérez We will find a true guide to overcoming anxiety disorders, which describes the main techniques and strategies most used in psychology.

Death blow to anxiety

12. Anatomy of Love (Helen Fisher)

Helen Fisher, an expert on the biology of love and attraction, reviews the latest research from the point of view of neuroscience in her book “Anatomy of Love.” Why do we like some people and not others? What is the function of love chemicals (for example, serotonin, dopamine, phenylethylamine, or oxytocin)? You can find these answers and much more in this great book.

  • We invite you to purchase it by entering this link.
  • If this topic seems interesting to you, you may want to read our article: “The chemistry of love: a very powerful drug”
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13. Psychology of Sports Training (José Maria Buceta)

If you are interested in sports psychology, you will surely like this text. The author organizes and analyzes the psychological bases of sports training, and provides the necessary strategies for both coaches and sports psychologists. A very useful theoretical-practical manual.

  • Buy it here.

14. Think Fast, Think Slow (Daniel Kahneman)

Daniel Kahneman It takes readers on an innovative journey and allows them to engage in lively reflection on how we think. Kahneman explains when we can and can’t trust our intuitions and how we can reap the benefits of reflective thinking. The text offers a practical and insightful view on how decisions are made, both in our business and in our personal lives.

  • You can purchase it here.

15. Emotional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman)

What benefits does emotional intelligence provide for people? From the point of view of psychology and neuroscience, Dr. Daniel Goleman, an expert in brain and behavioral sciences, explains the skills necessary to achieve satisfaction in life, understanding that emotional intelligence can determine success in interpersonal relationships and work and can affect overall well-being. Goleman explains how it is possible to improve this type of intelligence.

  • You can buy this work here.

16. Descartes’ error (Antonio Damasio)

Since Descartes proclaimed the famous phrase, “I think, therefore I am,” Science has overlooked the influence of emotions on decision making. Even modern neuroscience has focused on the cognitive aspects of the brain, leaving emotions aside.

This began to change with the publication of this book. Antonio Damasio in which the author takes the reader on a journey in which he discovers, thanks to different cases, the importance of emotions in social behavior and even in reasoning.

  • Buy it here.

17. The power of habits (Charles Duhigg)

This is a text that deals with how to achieve emotional balance and mental well-being through compliance with a series of habits that we can carry out on a daily basis. How we communicate, the lifestyle we lead, how we organize our work, among other daily choices we make, determine our good mental health.

This book shows multiple investigations and interviews carried out in both the academic and business fields, and exposes both psychological and neurological findings, so that the reader can transform their personal, work and social life.

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18. What the brain tells us: The mysteries of the human mind revealed (VS Ramachandran)

Ramachandran, a neurologist and researcher at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) known worldwide for his studies on the phantom limb, reviews the latest discoveries about the human brain and answers questions such as: Why are there more creative individuals than others? What is the best treatment for people with autism? A great text that does not disappoint readers.

  • Buy it at this link.
  • If you want to know more about Ramachandran’s great work, I invite you to read our article: “The phantom limb and mirror box therapy”

19. The Lucifer Effect: the reason for evil (Philip Zimbardo)

This book focuses on the research and discoveries of the legendary Stanford Prison Experiment, which was carried out Philip Zimbardo. The text explains in detail everything that happened and provides many data on his great work as a scientist. Reviews the influence of roles on the behavior of individuals, and how human beings are capable of doing things that we would never imagine we could do.

  • Buy it here.
  • You can read more about this experiment in our post: “Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment”

20. 50 classics of Psychology (Tom Butler-Bowdon)

An entertaining and instructive book that reviews more than one hundred years of contributions to psychology, exploring the most important ideas and writings of different authors (Sigmund Freud, Maslow, Piaget, Pavlov, Skinner, etc.). An essential book for any psychologist or psychology student.

  • You can buy it here.

21. Developmental psychology: childhood and adolescence (David R. Shaffer)

Learning developmental psychology becomes easy thanks to this great book. Written in clear and concise language, this text presents the most important theories and research in this branch of psychology with special attention to the possible application of its content.

  • Buy it here.

22. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen R. Covey)

What habits help people be more successful? This book reviews the customs that make individuals more efficient in their daily lives. An essential text in the business world.

  • You can purchase it here.
  • In one of our articles we summarize the different points of this book: “The 7 habits of really effective people”
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23. Get out of your mind, get into your life: The new Acceptance and Commitment therapy (Steven C. Hayes)

The book “Get out of your mind, get into your life: The new Acceptance and Commitment therapy” by Steven C. Hayes is aimed at all those readers who want to learn everything related to ACT and also acquire new techniques to overcome their daily states of suffering or discomfort.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is based on scientific evidence and over the last decades it has demonstrated its great usefulness in helping people deal with any problems they may have, as well as all types of psychological disorders. .

Professor Steven C. Hayes has been writing popular science books for more than two decades that have helped millions of people around the world, and in this work he teaches us to know the secrets of the mind and the traps that it sometimes makes us. brain when we want to solve problems or difficult situations.

  • More information about the book is available on this page.
Get out of your mind

24. The deceptions of the mind (SL Macknik, S. Martínez-Conde and S. Blakeslee)

The authors of this text have convinced some of the world’s best magicians to allow scientists to study their techniques for tricking the brain, known as neuromagic. This book is the result of a year of exploring the world of magic and the way its principles apply to our behavior. A different and really interesting book.

  • You can get it here.

25. The man who mistook his wife for a hat (Oliver Sacks)

Oliver Sacks was one of the neurologists and scientific popularizers, and this work is an excellent way to delve into his writing, as fascinating as it is accessible to all types of readers. The book is about stories of people with neurological failures the way in which they lived their lives and the lessons that can be extracted from their life stories.

  • If you are interested, you can click here.

26. The Blank Slate (Steven Pinker)

Another work by Steven Pinker, and also one of the references of current psychology.

In its pages, Pinker examines what he considers to be myths about the way we learn about our environment and the way society changes us. Specifically, he defends the position that there are innate propensities in us that significantly affect our way of acting and perceiving things. It is one of the most relevant psychology books because it confronts deeply philosophical topics.

  • You can buy this psychology book here.

27. Instinctive decisions: the science of the unconscious (Gerd Gigerenzer)

The German psychologist Gigerenzer is an expert in the study of human irrationality and the use of heuristics, and in this book he offers us a panoramic view of what is known about the mental shortcuts that we frequently make, without realizing it, when making decisions.

  • If you are interested, you can purchase this book here.

28. Social Animal (Elliot Aronson)

One of the great books on social psychology and one of the best sellers. The author, with simple, systematic and entertaining prose, takes a tour of the science of social psychology through several chapters. illustrated with examples and social experiments. This book becomes recommended reading for any psychologist or psychology student.

  • You can buy it here.

29. Psychology: a concise introduction (Richard A. Griggs)

Maybe this title does not have the privilege of having been published in Spanish, but that doesn’t make it any less interesting. This is an introductory book to psychology in which several of the most relevant topics in this area are excellently summarized. In fact, it can be used as a textbook.

  • You will find more information about this psychology book by clicking here.

30. Introduction to psychology (George A. Miller)

One of the best-known psychology books for students, and no wonder. Its author is none other than one of the fathers of the Cognitive Revolution along with other researchers such as Jerome Bruner. Although it has become somewhat outdated, it is a good start to learning to understand what this science consists of.

  • If you’re interested, you can read more about it here.

31. The secret life of the mind (Mario Sigman)

Technically it is not so much a psychology book as one about neuroscience, but at the end of the day the latter are a field of study closely related to the first and, in fact, both domains overlap on many occasions. Understanding how the brain and nervous system (what we call the “mind”) works is essential for psychologists.

  • Find out more about this title on this page.

32. 50 great myths of popular psychology (SO Lilienfeld, SJ Lynn, J. Ruscio and B. Beyerstein)

To understand what psychology is, a good start is understand what is not. This book does a fantastic job of showing several of the most common myths attributed to psychology and the research that has been done (or not done) within it.

  • To learn more about this title, go to this page.

33. Influence (Robert Cialdini)

A true classic of the psychology of persuasion. The work of Robert Cialdini deserves all the recognition he has received with this text, because not only is his work easy to follow thanks to his excellent examples, but Cialdini has taken his time to make it easy for the reader to understand. even the most complex concepts. A totally practical book.

  • You can purchase it by entering this link.

34. This is how a consumer is manipulated (Martin Lindstrom)

One of the best psychology books dedicated to the phenomenon of using advertising and marketing to manipulate people’s behavior. Ultimately, much of the behavior of today’s consumers is the way it is because big brands are committed to influencing their way of thinking and their daily habits through initiatives.

It is a work that leaves no one indifferent since it mixes explanations with explicit accusations.

  • If you are interested, you can read more about it by clicking here.

35. The Book of Psychology

A very graphic and entertaining work where we will review the main currents of psychology, its object of study, how psychotherapy works and a hundred curiosities about the human mind. Highly recommended for neophytes.

  • You can buy it here.

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